Catalogue Entry: Non-Commercial Radio - Statistical and financial summaries 2013-2017
This report presents, for the first time, statistical and financial data for non-commercial radio stations. Data for the non-commercial radio stations provides a five-year... -
Catalogue Entry: Other Carriers (e.g. Satellite carriers) - Registration List
List of other Carriers such as Satellite-based providers. -
Catalogue Entry: Statistical and Financial Summaries for Broadcasting Sector - 2016
Statistical and financial data compiled from the annual returns filed by BDUs. Conventional television, Broadcasting Distribution, Radio -
Catalogue Entry: Resellers of High Speed Retail Internet Service (RHSRIS) - Registration List
List of entities that sell or lease internet services provided by a Canadian Carrier to the Reseller on a wholesale basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Statistical and Financial Summaries for Broadcasting Sector 2020
Statistical and financial data compiled from Canadian broadcasting entities. -
Catalogue Entry: Non-Commercial Radio - Statistical and financial summaries 2016-2020
This report presents a summary of statistical and financial data from the annual returns provided by non-commercial radio stations for the broadcast year ended 31 August 2020.... -
Catalogue Entry: Statistical and Financial Summaries for Broadcasting Sector 2021
Statistical and financial data compiled from Canadian broadcasting entities for the 2016-2017 to 2020-2021 broadcast year period.