Catalogue Entry: Broadcaster Alcohol Advertising Information
Number of alcohol advertisements and alcohol education messages aired per year per station/service. -
Catalogue Entry: Statistical and Financial Summaries for Broadcasting Sector 2020
Statistical and financial data compiled from Canadian broadcasting entities. -
Catalogue Entry: Non-Commercial Radio - Statistical and financial summaries 2016-2020
This report presents a summary of statistical and financial data from the annual returns provided by non-commercial radio stations for the broadcast year ended 31 August 2020.... -
Catalogue Entry: Protection within the Communication System Quantitative Research Report 2015/2017
In order to report on its performance against the Protect pillar, the CRTC requires reliable trend data on the "Percentage of Canadians who consider that the CRTC is taking... -
Catalogue Entry: Communications Industry - CMR (2013-2019)
This publication gives an overview of the communications industry from 2014 to 2018, and highlights pertinent revenue trends and key industry characteristics. The communications... -
Catalogue Entry: CMR 2019 – Communications Services in Canadian Households: Subscriptions and...
This publication shows the communications services subscription rates and expenditure data by region and by age group for the past 5 years. Communications services include... -
Catalogue Entry: List of Broadcasting Distribution Undertakings
A list of all Broadcasting Distribution Undertakings (BDUs) per annual returns submitted to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. -
Catalogue Entry: Statistical and Financial Summaries for Broadcasting Sector 2021
Statistical and financial data compiled from Canadian broadcasting entities for the 2016-2017 to 2020-2021 broadcast year period. -
Catalogue Entry: Television Sector – CMR (2013-2022)
The Television Sector provides a glimpse into various aspects of television broadcasting in Canada. This section presents information related to conventional television... -
Catalogue Entry: Radio Sector – CMR (2013-2022)
The Radio Sector provides a glimpse into various aspects of radio broadcasting in Canada. This section presents information related to audience measurement, Canadian content... -
Catalogue Entry: Broadcasting Distribution Sector – CMR (2013-2022)
Broadcasting distribution undertakings (BDUs) provide subscription television services to Canadians. They distribute conventional television, discretionary and on-demand... -
Catalogue Entry: Broadcasting Sector – CMR (2013-2022)
This Broadcasting Overview provides a glimpse into various aspects of broadcasting in Canada. For the purposes of this report, total broadcasting revenues include those from:... -
Catalogue Entry: Current Trends in Communications Industry, Quarterly Results – CMR (2014Q1-2023Q2)
Every three months, in partnership with Statistics Canada, the CRTC surveys the top 90% of telecommunications entities, based on revenues. The survey, comprised of two forms –... -
Catalogue Entry: Year-End Monthly Reported Prices for Internet and Mobile services - CMR (2016-2022)
Le Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes recueille annuellement les tarifs des fournisseurs de services pour les services de communication... -
Catalogue Entry: Telecommunications Sector – CMR (2013-2022)
The Telecommunications Overview provides a glimpse into various aspects of telecommunications in Canada and includes the following: a description of the entities proving... -
Catalogue Entry: Retail Fixed Internet Sector – CMR (2013-2022)
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (the Commission) annually collects financial and subscription information on Internet services. In addition,... -
Catalogue Entry: Retail Mobile Sector – CMR (2013-2022)
This publication summarizes the status of the retail mobile sector and provides insight to the level of competition by comparing various metrics of the top 3 mobile service... -
Catalogue Entry: Statistical and Financial Summaries for Broadcasting Sector 2022
Statistical and financial data compiled from Canadian broadcasting entities for the 2017-2018 to 2021-2022 broadcast year period. -
Catalogue Entry: Statistical and Financial Summaries for Broadcasting Sector 2023
Statistical and financial data compiled from Canadian broadcasting entities for the 2018-2019 to 2022-2023 broadcast year period. -
Catalogue Entry: Broadcasting Current Trends – Canadian Agency Advertising Gross Spending –...
The data on gross agency advertising spending across Canada is aggregated by Guideline powered by Standard Media Index in conjunction with agency partners. This data allows for...