Catalogue Entry: Non-dominant Carriers - Registration List
List of Canadian carriers, other than Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, who provide the services that are subject to forbearance, as outlined in Canadian Radio-television and... -
Catalogue Entry: Competitive Pay Telephone Service Providers (CPTSP) - Registration List
List of entities that install and maintain pay telephones in commercial and/or in public space(s). -
Catalogue Entry: Resellers of Telecommunications Services (RTS) - Registration List
List of entities that sell or lease a telecommunications service, provided by a Canadian Carrier to the Reseller on a wholesale basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) - Registration List
List of entities that provide Digital Subscriber Line services but do not provide the telephone lines over which that service is delivered. -
Catalogue Entry: Wireless Carriers - Registration List
List of Canadian carriers that own licensed spectrum that is used to provide mobile service in Canada. -
Catalogue Entry: Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) - Registration List
List of Canadian carriers eligible to operate as telecommunications common carriers who are providers of local voice services. -
Catalogue Entry: Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs) - Registration list
List of Canadian carriers eligible to operate as telecommunications common carrier who are incumbent providers of local voice services. -
Catalogue Entry: Small Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (SILECs) - Registration List
List of small Canadian carriers eligible to operate as telecommunications common carriers who are incumbent provider of local voice services. -
Catalogue Entry: 25Mbps Broadband service availability – Urban vs. rural (% of households),...
This table shows the percentage of Canadian households in large, medium, and small population centres, as well as in rural areas, that can access 25 Mbps broadband services in... -
Catalogue Entry: Statistical and Financial Summaries for Broadcasting Sector - 2017
Statistical and financial data compiled from Canadian broadcasting entities. -
Catalogue Entry: Quarterly results for retail telecommunications sectors and broadcasting distribution
This dataset shows the quarterly retail telecommunications revenues by sectors, BDU revenues, number of lines and subscribers of retail telecommunication services and BDU... -
Catalogue Entry: Television viewing and ownership statistics
This dataset presents a summary of television viewing and ownership data contained in the 2014 Communications Monitoring Report. -
Catalogue Entry: Basic International Telecommunications Services (BITS) Licensees - Registration List
List of entities that are authorized to carry telecommunications traffic between Canada and another country. -
Catalogue Entry: Proposed Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (PCLECs) - Registration List
List of Canadian carriers eligible to operate as telecommunications common carriers who are proposing to be providers of local voice services. -
Catalogue Entry: Communications Services in Canadian Households Subscriptions and Expenditures
This publication shows the communications services subscription rates and expenditure data by region and by age group for the past 5 years. Communications services include... -
Catalogue Entry: 2017 Communications Services Pricing in Canada
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (hereafter, the Commission) collects prices annually from Canadian service providers for residential... -
Catalogue Entry: Statistical and Financial Summaries for Broadcasting Sector 2018
Statistical and financial data compiled from Canadian broadcasting entities. -
Catalogue Entry: Statistical and Financial Summaries for Broadcasting Sector 2019
Statistical and financial data compiled from Canadian broadcasting entities. -
Catalogue Entry: Non-Commercial Radio - Statistical and financial summaries 2014-2018
This report presents a summary of statistical and financial data from the annual returns provided by non-commercial radio stations for the broadcast year ended 31 August 2018.... -
Catalogue Entry: Non-Commercial Radio - Statistical and financial summaries 2015-2019
This report presents a summary of statistical and financial data from the annual returns provided by non-commercial radio stations for the broadcast year ended 31 August 2019....