Catalogue Entry: Sign Bylaw Districts
The data layer shows the sign district designations of all properties in the City of Toronto - the sign bylaw regulations/permissions/restrictions that are applicable to each... -
Catalogue Entry: Site and area Specific policies
Throughout the City are sites and areas that require policies that vary from one or more of the provisions of the Official Plan and may require a further layer of local policy... -
Catalogue Entry: TCDSB - Schools
This dataset contains the locations of the elementary and secondary schools owed by the TCDSB within Toronto. Containing attributes such as: Name, Panel (Elementary, Secondary... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Police Budget By Command
This dataset includes a summarized breakdown of the Toronto Police Service approved budget and actual expenditures by command at a Service-wide level from 2016-2020. Approved... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Police Staffing by Command
This datasets includes the Toronto Police Service’s approved and actual staffing level from 2016-2020 summarized by command. -
Catalogue Entry: Transportation Innovation Zones - Stakeholder Workshops Results
The City of Toronto hosted four online workshops in mid-September 2020 to gather feedback and recommendations from stakeholders on a proposed Transportation Innovation Zone... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Fire Services Run Areas
A run area is a geographical area in proximity to a fire station that is normally served by the personnel and apparatus from that facility in the event of a fire, rescue or... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto District School Board Locations
The data is collected and maintained by the Planning Division of the Toronto District School Board in order to support daily operations at the Board. This point file is best... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Facility Locations
A geographical point shape file that depicts the police facility locations. -
Catalogue Entry: Archaeological Potential - Interim
Attributes are described in a readme file as part of each dataset. The City's street centreline file should be used to over lay with this dataset. Also, please use the enclosed... -
Catalogue Entry: Air Conditioned Public Places & Cooling Centres
This dataset has been retired and replaced with Air Conditioned and Cool Spaces (Heat Relief Network) Toronto Public Health monitors the Heat Health Alert System every day from... -
Catalogue Entry: COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
The City of Toronto’s Immunization Task Force is readying nine City-operated COVID-19 immunization clinics to open when vaccine supply is secured by the Government of Canada and... -
Catalogue Entry: Places of Interest and Toronto Attractions
A listing of attractions in Toronto, as determined by Visitor Services. This is not necessarily a comprehensive listing, and will continue to expand over time. This information... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Branch General Information
This dataset shows the current characteristics of Toronto Public Library branches, such as location, size, and the availability of specific features (e.g. parking, KidsStops,... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Visits
This dataset shows the annual visits at Toronto Public Library branches. Visits are generally counted using sensors located at branch entrances and this activity is recorded... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Card Registrations
This dataset shows the annual library card registrations at Toronto Public Library branches. A registration is defined as an individual initially signing up for a TPL card (it... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Circulation
This dataset shows the annual circulation of materials at Toronto Public Library branches. Circulation is defined as a combination of first-time checkouts (i.e. when items are... -
Catalogue Entry: Elections Voting Locations
This is a point data set that identifies the address of voting locations for the 2023 Mayoral By-election, 2022, 2018, 2014, 2010 and 2006 General Municipal Elections for the... -
Catalogue Entry: Public Engagement Review Survey
The City of Toronto is reviewing its public engagement activities to support more meaningful and inclusive opportunities for Torontonians to provide input into City issues,... -
Catalogue Entry: Immunization Coverage for students
In Ontario, the ISPA requires children who attend elementary and secondary school to be vaccinated or have a valid exemption provided to their local public health unit. As a...