Catalogue Entry: Outdoor Artificial Ice Rinks
This dataset includes data on outdoor Artificial Ice Rinks (AIR) and skate trails maintained by the City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) division. The City... -
Catalogue Entry: Neighbourhoods
"Toronto’s 158 neighbourhoods are a microcosm of the city’s inhabitants, cultures and life. The primary purpose of the City-designated social planning neighbourhoods is to help... -
Catalogue Entry: Patrol Zones
This dataset includes the Toronto Police Service patrol zone boundaries updated as of 2018. The first two digits of the patrol zone indicate the division that they are... -
Catalogue Entry: Pedestrian Network
The Pedestrian Network (pednet) was created by the DAV team at the City of Toronto, and it is based on the sidewalk inventory from Transportation Services, Toronto road... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Regulated Interactions Demographics
The Toronto’s Police Service Annual Statistical Report (ASR) is a comprehensive overview of police related statistics including reported crimes, victims of crime, search of... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Race and Identity Based Data - Arrests and Strip Searches
This dataset includes information related to all arrests and strip searches. A strip search refers to a search conducted by a police officer on a person, which includes the... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Race and Identity Based Data - Use of Force
This dataset contains summary table data of information from the provincial Use of Force Reports and occurrences that resulted in an enforcement action. The data used to produce... -
Catalogue Entry: Retirement Homes
ID - used for labels on maps NAME - name of location ADDRESS - address of location PCODE - full postal code of location CAPACITY - bed capacity of location SUITE_ALT -... -
Catalogue Entry: Secondary Plans
Secondary Plans are more detailed local development policies to guide growth and change in a defined area of the City. -
Catalogue Entry: Proclamations
Proclamations are used for public awareness campaigns, charitable fundraising campaigns, arts and cultural celebrations and special honours on the recommendation of the Mayor. -
Catalogue Entry: Sign Bylaw Districts
The data layer shows the sign district designations of all properties in the City of Toronto - the sign bylaw regulations/permissions/restrictions that are applicable to each... -
Catalogue Entry: Site and area Specific policies
Throughout the City are sites and areas that require policies that vary from one or more of the provisions of the Official Plan and may require a further layer of local policy... -
Catalogue Entry: TCDSB - Schools
This dataset contains the locations of the elementary and secondary schools owed by the TCDSB within Toronto. Containing attributes such as: Name, Panel (Elementary, Secondary... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Police Budget By Command
This dataset includes a summarized breakdown of the Toronto Police Service approved budget and actual expenditures by command at a Service-wide level from 2016-2020. Approved... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Police Staffing by Command
This datasets includes the Toronto Police Service’s approved and actual staffing level from 2016-2020 summarized by command. -
Catalogue Entry: Transportation Innovation Zones - Stakeholder Workshops Results
The City of Toronto hosted four online workshops in mid-September 2020 to gather feedback and recommendations from stakeholders on a proposed Transportation Innovation Zone... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Fire Services Run Areas
A run area is a geographical area in proximity to a fire station that is normally served by the personnel and apparatus from that facility in the event of a fire, rescue or... -
Catalogue Entry: Heritage Shoreline Evolution
A spatial geographical file that shows Toronto's historical shoreline development from 1818 to 1910. This data was collected as part of the City's historical research of...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Woodbine Racetrack Casino Consultation 2015
The City Manager conducted a public consultation in May 2015 to seek input from Torontonians on the matter of expanded gaming at Woodbine Racetrack. This data set contains input...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Toronto District School Board Locations
The data is collected and maintained by the Planning Division of the Toronto District School Board in order to support daily operations at the Board. This point file is best...