Catalogue Entry: Toronto Police Budget By Command
This dataset includes a summarized breakdown of the Toronto Police Service approved budget and actual expenditures by command at a Service-wide level from 2016-2020. Approved... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Police Staffing by Command
This datasets includes the Toronto Police Service’s approved and actual staffing level from 2016-2020 summarized by command. -
Catalogue Entry: Transportation Innovation Zones - Stakeholder Workshops Results
The City of Toronto hosted four online workshops in mid-September 2020 to gather feedback and recommendations from stakeholders on a proposed Transportation Innovation Zone... -
Catalogue Entry: Air Conditioned Public Places & Cooling Centres
This dataset has been retired and replaced with Air Conditioned and Cool Spaces (Heat Relief Network) Toronto Public Health monitors the Heat Health Alert System every day from... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Branch General Information
This dataset shows the current characteristics of Toronto Public Library branches, such as location, size, and the availability of specific features (e.g. parking, KidsStops,... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Visits
This dataset shows the annual visits at Toronto Public Library branches. Visits are generally counted using sensors located at branch entrances and this activity is recorded... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Card Registrations
This dataset shows the annual library card registrations at Toronto Public Library branches. A registration is defined as an individual initially signing up for a TPL card (it... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Circulation
This dataset shows the annual circulation of materials at Toronto Public Library branches. Circulation is defined as a combination of first-time checkouts (i.e. when items are... -
Catalogue Entry: Elections – Unofficial Results
2022 Unofficial Election Results This dataset consists of 2 unofficial election results files in the JSON format: unofficialresult.json - Results for all candidates City-wide in... -
Catalogue Entry: Elections – Unofficial Results
This dataset consists of 2 unofficial election results files in the JSON format: unofficialresult.json - provides total votes for mayor city-wide unofficialresult-...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Immunization Coverage for students
In Ontario, the ISPA requires children who attend elementary and secondary school to be vaccinated or have a valid exemption provided to their local public health unit. As a... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Workstation Usage
This dataset shows the annual computer workstation sessions at Toronto Public Library branches. This covers public workstations that can be booked in advance and “drop-in”... -
Catalogue Entry: Civic Issue Campaign Results
The Open Data team launched a campaign in order to help identify as well as prioritize the release of high-quality, in-demand datasets related to the City’s 5 priority civic... -
Catalogue Entry: Neighbourhood Profiles
The Census of Population is held across Canada every 5 years and collects data about age and sex, families and households, language, immigration and internal migration,... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Shooting Occurrences
The Toronto’s Police Service Annual Statistical Report (ASR) is a comprehensive overview of police related statistics including reported crimes, victims of crime, search of... -
Catalogue Entry: MBNCanada Performance Measures
Publicly reportable performance measures data from City of Toronto's participation in the annual Municipal Benchmarking Network Canada (MBNCanada) data call. -
Catalogue Entry: Waste Wizard
This data is from the City of Toronto’s Waste Wizard tool, which is available on toronto.ca/wastewizard and the TOwaste app. The Waste Wizard data includes over 2,200 items and... -
Catalogue Entry: Solid Waste Collection Schedule
This dataset contains the schedules for Organics (Green Bin), Garbage, Recycling (Blue Bin), Yard Waste and Christmas Trees for single-family residential households (less than 9... -
Catalogue Entry: Daily Shelter Occupancy
The data set provides a listing of all the active shelters serving the City of Toronto area. Included in the dataset is the name of the shelter, program name, sector served... -
Catalogue Entry: COVID-19 Cases in Toronto
Toronto Public Health (TPH) shared anonymized, person-level information for all COVID-19 cases reported from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in January 2020. As case and...