Catalogue Entry: Police Facility Locations
A geographical point shape file that depicts the police facility locations. -
Catalogue Entry: Archaeological Potential - Interim
Attributes are described in a readme file as part of each dataset. The City's street centreline file should be used to over lay with this dataset. Also, please use the enclosed... -
Catalogue Entry: Bikeways
The Toronto bikeways dataset illustrates the existing cycling network across the city, including both shared and dedicated bikeways. A summary of the network status is available... -
Catalogue Entry: COVID-19 Testing Sites
COVID-19 testing is coordinated by the provincial government and local healthcare system, including hospitals, community health centres, pharmacies and other community agencies.... -
Catalogue Entry: Cultural Hotspot - Points of Interest
Cultural Hotspot spans a vast geographic area and many local neighbourhoods with unique features. This dataset contains information about points of interest for residents and... -
Catalogue Entry: On-Street Permit Parking Area Maps
FID - System field Feature Id Shape - Feature Type (polygon) Area_id - Parking permit area identifier Permit parking areas within the City of Toronto are presented in map... -
Catalogue Entry: School Locations - All Types
A geographical file covering the City of Toronto that contains all the point location of schools that we have. It also contains the private schools to the best of our knowledge. -
Catalogue Entry: Bicycle Parking - High Capacity (Outdoor)
This dataset identifies the location of all outdoor high capacity bicycle parking installed by the City of Toronto. This includes bicycle parking such as bike corrals and bike... -
Catalogue Entry: City Wards
The City of Toronto is divided into municipal wards. This dataset includes: The boundaries for the City of Toronto's 25 wards were established using the Provincial electoral... -
Catalogue Entry: Community Council Boundaries
This is a geo-spatial file that outlines the service districts of the City of Toronto. This is a GIS polygon file that is best used when it is overlaid with the City of Toronto... -
Catalogue Entry: Former Municipality Boundaries
Field Name - Description/Definition AREA_ID - Internal geographic identifier AREA_NAME - Name of the former municipality OBJECTID - Internal unique object ID This data is a GIS... -
Catalogue Entry: Fire Facility Locations
This dataset contains the location of all active fire stations and fire related facilities within the City of Toronto. The locations are identified by XY (latitude and... -
Catalogue Entry: Basement Flooding Study Areas
This dataset provides pertinent information on the delineation of areas that are serviced by the same local sewer infrastructure (i.e. sanitary subsewersheds). The data is... -
Catalogue Entry: Sewer Inlets
This dataset provides pertinent information on the location of sewer system inlets (mostly catchbasins and ditch inlets). The data is updated on a continual daily basis. The... -
Catalogue Entry: Fire Hydrants
This dataset contains the location of all City owned fire hydrants in Toronto. -
Catalogue Entry: Green Streets
Green Streets are roads that include green infrastructure – natural and human-made – that capture rainwater and direct it to plants and trees, acting as a natural filter that... -
Catalogue Entry: Litter Bin Collection Frequency
There are more than 10,000 garbage/recycling street litter bins across the city and the frequency of collection varies based on the location and/or usage of each bin and... -
Catalogue Entry: TPS Police Divisions
This dataset has been retired. Please view https://open.toronto.ca/dataset/police-boundaries/ instead. This dataset includes all boundaries of the 16 Divisions in the Toronto... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Homicides
This dataset includes all Homicides occurrences by occurred date. Note: Fields have been included for both the old 140 City of Toronto Neighbourhoods structure as well as the... -
Catalogue Entry: Shootings & Firearm Discharges
This dataset contains all shooting-related occurrences reported to the Toronto Police Service. As there is no criminal offence code for shootings, a shooting occurrence number...