Catalogue Entry: Bicycle Thefts
This dataset contains Bicycle Thefts occurrences by reported date and details regarding the stolen item where available. This data includes all bicycle theft occurrences... -
Catalogue Entry: The City Operated Electric Vehicle Charging Station Map
The map shows an expanding network of publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging stations operated by the City of Toronto. The City provides public EV charging stations... -
Catalogue Entry: PollinateTO Primary Project Garden Locations
This dataset contains information on the locations of primary gardens for PollinateTO Grant recipients. Garden types, features of locations, and names of projects are included. -
Catalogue Entry: StrollTO
This dataset list points of interest associated with each of Toronto’s 158 neighbourhoods as compiled by the Visitor Economy Office. The self-guided itineraries are built around... -
Catalogue Entry: Tennis Courts Facilities
This dataset includes data on tennis court locations that belong to the City of Toronto. Some locations are public, others are 'clubs' (these sites are operated by not-for-... -
Catalogue Entry: Bicycle Parking Racks
Shapefile of permanent and seasonal multiple-capacity bicycle parking racks installed and managed by the Cycling Infrastructure and Programs Unit -
Catalogue Entry: Street Tree Data
This data primarily pertains to City-owned trees located on road allowances across Toronto. The intent of the database is to provide an inventory of City owned-trees on the road...