Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Arrested and Charged Persons
This dataset provides an aggregate count of persons who have been arrested and charged. The data is aggregated by division, neighbourhood, sex, age, crime category, and crime... -
Catalogue Entry: Persons in Crisis Calls for Service Attended
This dataset includes all Persons in Crisis (PIC) calls for service attended (CFSA) which includes the following Event Types: Attempt Suicide, Person in Crisis, Elopee, Jumper,... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Calls for Service Attended
This dataset provides a count of calls for service attended aggregated by division and neighbourhood. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Complaint Dispositions
This dataset provides a breakdown of the total investigated complaints by disposition of the complaint submitted. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Dispatched Calls by Division
This dataset provides a count of the dispatched calls by division, including some specific units such as PRIME, Parking and “Other”. This data includes the command level at the... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Firearms Top 5 Calibres
The dataset provides a list of the most common types of pistols, revolvers, rifles and shotguns that comprise the crime guns seized by the Toronto Police Service. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Gross Expenditures by Division
This dataset provides a breakdown of the Gross Expenditures for each division. This data includes the command level at the time of reporting. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Gross Operating Budget
This dataset includes all identified victims of crimes against the person, including, but not limited to, those that may have been deemed unfounded after investigation, those... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Investigated Alleged Misconduct
This dataset provides a breakdown of the total investigated complaints by type of complaint submitted. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Miscellaneous Calls for Service
This dataset includes the following categories of data: Languages Languages used by Language Line Services other than English Calls Received Emergency Calls Non-Emergency Calls... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Miscellaneous Data
The Toronto’s Police Service Annual Statistical Report (ASR) is a comprehensive overview of police related statistics including reported crimes, victims of crime, search of... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Miscellaneous Firearms
Firearm Type Breakdown of firearm type for every firearm that was seized by the TPS Crime Guns A crime gun is “any firearm that has been or suspected to have been used in in a... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Personnel by Command
This dataset provides a count of personnel broken down by command level. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Personnel by Rank
This dataset provides a count of personnel broken down by rank classification for Uniform, Civilian, and Other Staff. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Search of Persons
The Toronto’s Police Service Annual Statistical Report (ASR) is a comprehensive overview of police related statistics including reported crimes, victims of crime, search of... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Personnel by Rank by Division
This dataset provides a count of personnel broken down by rank classification for Uniform & Civilian staff by division. This data includes the command level at the time of... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Reported Crimes
This dataset includes all reported crime offences by reported date aggregated by division. This data includes all crimes reported to the Toronto Police Service, including, but... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Tickets Issued
This dataset provides an aggregated count of tickets issued by year, ticket type, offence, age group, division, and neighbourhood. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Top 20 Offences of Firearms Seizures
This dataset provides a list of top 20 offences ranked by volume, for occurrences linked to a firearm seizure. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Total Public Complaints
This dataset provides a breakdown of the total number of public complaints filed with the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (O.I.P.R.D.) broken down by complaints...