Catalogue Entry: BC Public Service Work Environment Survey: Ministry Results
This Excel workbook contains results from the BC Public Service Work Environment Survey dating back to 2013. The survey is administered biennially (every 2 years) to all active... -
Catalogue Entry: Game Management Zones
Amalgamations of Wildlife Management Units which share similar ecological characteristics and hunter harvest patterns, and thus provide a suitable geographical framework for... -
Catalogue Entry: Major Projects Inventory (Economic) - Points
The Major Projects Inventory (MPI), which is published quarterly, lists all major projects that are proposed, planned or underway in British Columbia. These are projects with a... -
Catalogue Entry: Grizzly Bear Population Units
Boundaries identifying similar behavioural ecotypes and sub-populations of Grizzly bears. This dataset contains versions from multiple years. From 2018 on, NatureServe... -
Catalogue Entry: Guide Outfitter Areas
Defined areas allocated by certificate under the British Columbia Wildlife Act to guide outfitters for the purpose of guiding residents, non-residents or non-resident alien... -
Catalogue Entry: Aquatic Life Nickel WQG Acute
The B.C. nickel water quality guideline (WQG) for the protection of aquatic life was derived in 2024 and uses a biotic ligand model (BLM) to account for site specific toxicity... -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial Oil and Gas Tenure Registry Extract (non-confidential records)
A multi-file snapshot of provincial Crown petroleum and natural gas tenure in British Columbia. The data is provided in a format intended for use by data vendors and others... -
Catalogue Entry: Routine Capital and Annual Capital Allowance at B.C. Public Post-Secondary...
Routine capital and annual capital allowance provided by the provincial government to British Columbia's public post-secondary institutions. Data are available by region. -
Catalogue Entry: Credentials at Public Post-Secondary Institutions by Level and Category
Number of credentials awarded to students at British Columbia's public post-secondary institutions. Data are available at a system level. -
Catalogue Entry: Domestic and International Student Headcount by Economic Development Region...
Number of domestic and international students enrolled at British Columbia's public post-secondary institutions. Data are available by economic development region and institution. -
Catalogue Entry: Aquatic Life Nickel WQG Chronic
The B.C. nickel water quality guideline (WQG) for the protection of aquatic life was derived in 2024 and uses a biotic ligand model (BLM) to account for site specific toxicity... -
Catalogue Entry: Central Group Caribou Partnership Agreement Zones
The Central Group Caribou Partnership Agreement Zones are the spatial data associated with the Intergovernmental Partnership Agreement for the Conservation of the Central Group... -
Catalogue Entry: Annual Estimates of the Homeless Population in B.C.
BC Stats (with partners at the Ministry of Housing, Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (SDPR), and BC Housing) has developed aggregated summary statistics... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Environmental Monitoring System Results
Environmental test results, including physical, chemical and biological analyses of samples taken from water, air, solid waste discharges and ambient monitoring sites throughout... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Environmental Monitoring Location Groups
Environmental monitoring stations (EMS) points coverage for the Province by MONITORING LOCATION GROUPS. -
Catalogue Entry: BC HighwayCams
A list of the locations, web addresses and attributes regarding Ministry owned highway web cameras. Attributes include name, location (latitude, longitude, highway), compass... -
Catalogue Entry: StrongStart BC Centre Locations
Contact and location information for StrongStart BC Centres. For dynamic contact information for schools, see http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/apps/imcl/imclWeb/Home.do or view a map... -
Catalogue Entry: British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The Province of British Columbia prepares the British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory. British Columbia Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are attributed to five defined... -
Catalogue Entry: Indicator Summary Data: BC Fine Particulate Matter Canadian Ambient Air...
This tabular dataset is the result of an analysis supporting the 'Status of Fine Particulate Matter in B.C.' indicator produced by Environmental Reporting BC. The results... -
Catalogue Entry: Indicator Summary Data: BC Ground-Level Ozone Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards
This tabular dataset is the result of an analysis supporting the 'Status of Ground-Level Ozone in B.C.' indicator produced by Environmental Reporting BC. The results contain the...