Catalogue Entry: International Goods Exports by Market Area, 2009-11 Tbl A1.8
A tabular presentation of British Columbia international goods exports by market area, 2009 - 2011, including 2010-11 percent of change, and 2010 and 2011 percent of total, with... -
Catalogue Entry: Key Debt Indicators, 2007-08 to 2011-12 Tbl 2.11
A tabular presentation of British Columbia total and taxpayer-supported key debt indicators, for the years 2007-08 throught 2011-12, consistent with March 31, 2012 government... -
Catalogue Entry: Survey Results of Developmental Students by Program Grouping
Results of the Developmental Student Outcomes Survey regarding student satisfaction, usefulness of skills and employment outcomes. Data available by program grouping.... -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2012 - Revenue by Source Tbl 1.8
A tabular presentation of British Columbia revenue by source, including taxation, natural resources, other provincial revenue, federal contributions, and commercial Crown... -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2013 June Update - Capital Spending Tbl 1.14
A tabular presentation of British Columbia taxpayer-supported and self-supported capital spending, including updated forecast values for 2012-13, budget estimates for 2013-14,... -
Catalogue Entry: Student Satisfaction with B.C. Public Post-Secondary Education
System level performance measure showing percentage of students who were very satisfied or satisfied with the education they received. -
Catalogue Entry: Motor Vehicle Serious Injuries with Speeding Involvement
The number of Motor Vehicle serious injuries in British Columbia with speeding involved by year. This data includes only crashes attended by a police officer where the officer... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Statistics - Revenue - Regional District - 2003
Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Revenue - Regional District - 2003. The Statistics schedules consist of data provided to the ministry by local governments in... -
Catalogue Entry: Angling Licence Sales Statistics 2010 to Current
The Angling Licence Sales Statistics annual dataset provides the number of recreational angling licences sold in British Columbia by licence year. The data is collected through... -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial Debt Summary Tbl 2.10
A tabular presentation summarizing British Columbia taxpayer-supported and self-supported debt, including budgeted values 2010, actual debt totals 2010-11, and actual debt... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Statistics - Financial Equity - Municipality - 2003
Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Financial Equity - Municipality - 2003. The Statistics schedules consist of data provided to the ministry by local governments... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Tax Rates and Assessments - Tax Rates 2006
Local Government Tax Rates and Assessments - Tax Rates 2006. Municipal tax rate bylaws are required to be adopted before May 15th of each year. Tax rate files and tax burden... -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2012 - Third Quarter Contingencies Tbl 4.3
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia 2011-12 third quarter update of notional allocations to contingencies -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Statistics - Expenditure - Regional District - 2006
Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Expenditure - Regional District - 2006. The Statistics schedules consist of data provided to the ministry by local governments... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Health - Practitioners, Services and Expenditures by Specialty and Fiscal...
Number of practitioners, services and total expenditures by practitioner's specialty using Fee-for-Service (MSP). For 2005-06 to 2009-10 fiscal years. -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2017 - September Update
A tabular summary of British Columbia's Budget 2017 – September Update - Budget and Fiscal Plan 2017/18 - 2019/20. This publication includes the 2017/18 First Quarterly Report. -
Catalogue Entry: Historical Operating Statement Surplus (Deficit) Tbl A2.14
A tabular summary of British Columbia historical operating statement surplus (deficit) reports, 1969-1970 through 2010-2011, including broad overviews of aggregate revenues and... -
Catalogue Entry: 2012-13 First Quarterly Report - Revenue by Source 2005-06 to 2014-15 Tbls A5 A6
Table A5 a tabular presentation of British Columbia revenue by source, actual values 2005-06 through 2011-2012 and updated forecast for 2012-13 to 2014-15, including average... -
Catalogue Entry: Fatalities of children - services received under Child, Family & Community...
Fatality statistics for children receiving services as categorized by the Chief Coroner of British Columbia -
Catalogue Entry: International Goods Exports by Major Market and Selected Commodities, 2011 Tbl A1.7
A tabular presentation of British Columbia international goods exports by major market and selected commodities, 2011 (Source: BC Stats).