Catalogue Entry: Hydrology: 100 Year Peak Flow Isolines (Historical)
100 year peak flow isolines in cubic metres per second (m3/s) for 100 square kilometre watersheds and 100 year return period -
Catalogue Entry: Coastal BC Moorages
The locations of coastal British Columbia moorages -
Catalogue Entry: WSA - Third-Order and Greater Watersheds (50,000)
Watershed polygons of Third Order and greater based on the Strahler Stream Order classification method and the 1:50,000 scale Canadian National Topographic Series of maps. -
Catalogue Entry: Sechelt Indian Government District - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of BC
The Sechelt Indian Government District contains legally defined areas of land within the Province of British Columbia over which the Sechelt Indian Band exercises self-... -
Catalogue Entry: Coastal BC Recreational Craft Cruising Routes
The locations of coastal British Columbia recreational and pleasure craft cruising routes -
Catalogue Entry: FADM - Mountain Pine Beetle Salvage Area
Area delineating the Mountain Pine Beetle Salvage area -
Catalogue Entry: Cruise Ship Routes
Routes that cruise ships travel off the coast of BC -
Catalogue Entry: Community Health Service Areas - CHSA
Community Health Service Area (CHSA) boundaries; 2022 boundary configuration. The CHSAs are a mutually exclusive and exhaustive classification of the land area in BC. CHSAs are... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Road Features Inventory (RFI)
The Road Features Inventory spatial layer shows all highways under the administration and control of BC MoT for which the Ministry has maintenance responsibility -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Safety Feature
A Safety Feature is one of a number of various appliances/appurtenances that have been installed or constructed either alongside or as an integral part of the road... -
Catalogue Entry: Baseline Thematic Mapping Present Land Use Version 1 Spatial Layer
This layer represents Land use polygons as determined by a combination of analytic techniques, mostly using Landsat 5 image mosaics . BTM 1 was done on a federal satellite image... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Licensee Operating Areas
Forest Licensee Operating Areas for the Kootenays Region, and the Cascades and Okanagan/Shuswap districts in the Thompson-Okanagan region. Other regions and districts will be... -
Catalogue Entry: Municipalities - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of BC
Legally defined Municipal polygons were drawn from metes and bounds descriptions as written in Letters Patent for Municipalities in the province of British Columbia. In the... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Manmade Waterbodies
All manmade waterbodies, including reservoirs and canals, for the province -
Catalogue Entry: Legal Planning Objectives - Current - Line
Spatially identified and mapped legal objective lines as determined from strategic land and resource planning processes in the province of British Columbia. Legal objectives can... -
Catalogue Entry: Marbled Murrelets - Coastal Resource Information Management System (CRIMS)
Distribution of Marbeled Murrelet habitat in coastal British Columbia showing relative abundance (RA) by season and overall relative importance (RI). RI is based on project... -
Catalogue Entry: Old Growth Management Areas - Legal - Current
This 'Current' spatial data layer is publicly viewable and downloadable, contains the most current Legal Old Growth Management Area (OGMA) polygons and excludes any sensitive... -
Catalogue Entry: Timing Windows for Work in and About Waterbodies in the Cariboo Natural...
Timing windows are the period(s) during the year when work may be carried out in and about water bodies with the lowest risk to fish and wildlife species and habitat. Timing... -
Catalogue Entry: Geology Faults
Geology faults are part of the British Columbia Digital Geology, which is the data source used for the seamless province-wide, up-to-date, and detailed bedrock geology. The... -
Catalogue Entry: Species and Ecosystems at Risk - (Masked Secured) Publicly Available...
The B.C. Conservation Data Centre spatial layer that displays a generalised area that masks the precise locations of secured occurrences of species and ecosystems at risk. These...