Catalogue Entry: 2012-13 First Quarterly Report - 2012-13 Expense by Ministry, Program and...
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's expense by ministry, program and agency including budgeted and actual values at June 30, 2012, actual values at June... -
Catalogue Entry: Consumption and Other Tax Revenues Change from Budget 2011 Tbl 2.2
A tabular presentation of British Columbia consumption and other tax revenues showing percentage changes between 2011 budget values and third quarter forecast revenue values -
Catalogue Entry: BC Schools - Satisfaction Survey - Consolidated
Consolidated Satisfaction Survey questions and responses from 2001/2002 - 2015/2016 for all topics, grades and audiences (students, parents, teachers). Questions and responses... -
Catalogue Entry: Expense by Ministry, Program and Agency, Budget 2011 Tbl 2.7
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia expense by ministry, program and agency, consistent with March 14, 2012 reoranization and March 31, 2012 government accounting... -
Catalogue Entry: 2013-14 Second Quarterly Report - Statement of Financial Position Tbl 1.16
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's financial position including budgeted and actual values at June 30, 2013, actual values at June 30, 2012, full year... -
Catalogue Entry: Population of Policing Jurisdictions in BC
Ten year trend of populations by police jurisdiction in BC. -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2012 - United States Real GDP Forecast Tbl 3.3
A tabular presentation of the United States real GDP forecast, expressed for 2012 and 2013 as a percent change in real GDP -
Catalogue Entry: 2013-14 Second Quarterly Report - Spending Assumptions Tbl 1.11
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's spending assumptions for the June 2013 Budget Update and for the 2013-14 first quarterly report.. -
Catalogue Entry: 2013 Financial-Economic Rev - Operating Statement - 2001-02 to 2012-13 Tbl A2.2
A tabular presentation summarizing British Columbia operating statements, actual values, 2001-2002 through 2012-2013, including average annual change percentage. -
Catalogue Entry: Operating Statement, 2000-01 to 2011-12 Tbl A2.2
A tabular presentation summarizing British Columbia operating statements, actual values, 2000-2001 through 2011-2012, including average annual change. -
Catalogue Entry: Student Headcount by Grade Range
Headcounts of students by grade range. NOTE: This dataset is no longer being updated by the Education Analytics Office. Please refer to the BC Schools - Student Headcount by... -
Catalogue Entry: 2013-14 Second Quarterly Report - Full-Time Equivalents Tbl 1.12
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's full-time equivalent employment for the full year budget and forecast for 2013-14, and actual values for 2012-13. -
Catalogue Entry: 2013-14 Third Quarterly Report - 2013-14 Financial Forecast Changes from...
A tabular presentation of changes from budgeted 2013-14 revenue and expenditure for the British Columbia government for the first 2013-14 quarterly report. -
Catalogue Entry: 2013 Financial-Economic Rev - Historical Commodity Prices (in US Dollars)...
A tabular presentation of historical commodity prices in United States dollars, 2002 - 2012, including metals, forest products, oil, natural gas and coal. -
Catalogue Entry: Children and Family Development - Cases in Care History
This report provides the total number of Child in Care by age groups by year and month. Children In Care were placed into the custody, care or guardianship of a director or the... -
Catalogue Entry: 2019 Financial-Economic Rev
A tabular summary of the Province of British Columbia 2019 Financial and Economic Review. -
Catalogue Entry: BC Finance - 2013 Financial and Economic Review - BC Hydro - Five-Year...
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority five-year income statement, 2008/09 through 2012/13 with miscellaneous financial data and performance... -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2012 - Private Sector Canadian Interest Rate Forecasts Tbl 3.5
A tabular presentation of private sector Canadian interest rate forecast, includes 2012 and 2013 average annual percent interest rate by financial institution, for both 3-month... -
Catalogue Entry: 2012-13 First Quarterly Report - Statement of Financial Position 2005-06 to...
Table A11 a tabular presentation of British Columbia's statement of financial position, actual values 2005-06 through 2011-2012 and updated forecast for 2012-13 to 2014-15,... -
Catalogue Entry: 2013-14 Second Quarterly Report - Revenue by Source Tbl 1.7
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's revenue, including budgeted and actual values at June 30, 2013, actual values at June 30, 2012, full year budget and...