Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Wetlands
All wetland polygons for the province -
Catalogue Entry: Caribou Habitat Model for the Western Cariboo Region (2017)
Summer/Fall and Winter/Forest-Dwelling 2017 habitat model for caribou in the Itcha Ilgachuz area. [Season] field should be used to split the data out into separate summer/fall... -
Catalogue Entry: Broad Ecosystem Inventory Wildlife Habitat Ratings Interpretations for Birds
The Broad Ecosystem Inventory (BEI) Classification provides broad regional information about the distribution of ecosystems throughout the province and the value of these... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Stream Network
Flow network arcs (observed, inferred and constructed). Contains no banks, coast or watershed bourdary arcs. Directionalized and connected. Contains heirarchial key and route... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Stream Directions
Points with rotations that indicate downstream flow direction. Can be displayed with arrow symbols to show flow direction. There is one point at the upstream end for each stream... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas 20K-50K Waterbody Cross Reference Table
Contains all primary and secondary matches between 1:20K and 1:50K waterbody polygons. This attribute table links the new Freshwater Atlas watershed codes with the existing... -
Catalogue Entry: Video Flightline Points
VIDEO FLIGHT POINTS are a specific GPS spatial point recorded during the video taping of the shoreline. They are represented by a specific latitude and longitude taken at a... -
Catalogue Entry: Aquifer Vulnerability to Saltwater Intrusion – Pumping and Coastal hazard
A newer dataset developed in 2021, called Aquifer Vulnerability to Sea Water Intrusion, has replaced this version. This dataset remains available for download for comparison... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Edge Type Codes
Links the edge type codes used in the stream network layer with an English description used to categorize stream network features -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Linear Boundaries
All bank edges (of rivers, lakes, and wetlands), delimiter edges, glacier edges, and administrative boundary edges. These are the linear features that makeup the polygonal... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Glaciers
Glaciers and ice masses for the province, derived from aerial imagery flown in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Please refer to the Glaciers dataset for recent glacier extents in... -
Catalogue Entry: MTA - Mineral Titles Client Tenure XREF
A table that stores client numbers and their associated mineral, placer and coal title numbers. Used as a cross reference to the MTA - Mineral, Placer and Coal tenure SVW dataset. -
Catalogue Entry: Mental Health and Substance Use Health Services
The HealthLink BC Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) data set includes the following: Programs that offer early intervention, transitional care or other services that... -
Catalogue Entry: Laboratory Services in BC
Programs that perform a laboratory analysis of body fluids and tissue to determine the presence of irregularities or to identify unknown substances submitted for analysis.... -
Catalogue Entry: Class Size by Grade
Class size by grade information from 2006/2007 to 2023/2024 (split into 3 files due to size constraints). Statistics by School level; counts reflect the class organization as of... -
Catalogue Entry: Property Transfer Tax Data 2022
Property transfer tax (PTT) data relating to market transactions within the province. For more information regarding Property Transfer Tax (PTT) see our website. This data-set... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Schools - Examinations Results
BC schools grade 10, 11, 12 examinations results 1996/1997 to 2017/2018. -
Catalogue Entry: Student Headcount by Grade Range
Headcounts of students by grade range. NOTE: This dataset is no longer being updated by the Education Analytics Office. Please refer to the BC Schools - Student Headcount by... -
Catalogue Entry: Data Literacy Program Needs Assessment Survey Results
The data literacy program put out a survey to assess the current level of data literacy across the BC Public Service. The nine survey questions identified perceived and... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Schools - Six Year Completion Rate
Six-Year Dogwood Completion Rate 1999/2000 to 2022/23, for residents only.