Catalogue Entry: BCGS 1:5,000 Grid
British Columbia Geographic System 1:5,000 scale mapsheet grid. Each mapsheet is one fourth of a 1:10,000 mapsheet numbered 1 through 4. The neatlines were defined and created... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Regional Boundary
Ministry of Transportation Regional Boundary is an exclusive geographic area within the province that the Ministry organizational unit is responsible for. Each Ministry Region... -
Catalogue Entry: Counties of British Columbia - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of BC
The Counties of British Columbia contains areas of land within the Province of British Columbia representing legally defined administrative areas described in the County... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Drainage Appliance
A Drainage Appliance is an apparatus (that has not been described as a culvert), or earth works, designed to facilitate the movement of water in a controlled manner. Drainage... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Named Point Features
Named point features (both fresh and marine) such as points of land, etc. Point names included as an attribute -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Wetlands
All wetland polygons for the province -
Catalogue Entry: Caribou Habitat Model for the Western Cariboo Region (2017)
Summer/Fall and Winter/Forest-Dwelling 2017 habitat model for caribou in the Itcha Ilgachuz area. [Season] field should be used to split the data out into separate summer/fall... -
Catalogue Entry: Distribution of California Sealions - Coastal Resource Information...
Modeled data showing the likely distribution of California sealions. CRIMS is a legacy dataset of BC coastal resource data that was acquired in a systematic and synoptic manner... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Highway Profile
A Highway Profile defines the number of through travel lanes, including passing and truck lanes, and whether the road is divided or not. It is a Linear feature -
Catalogue Entry: BC Ports and Terminals
This dataset identifies the geographic locations of marine ports, terminals, shipyards, and harbours on the west coast of British Columbia. The points were reviewed and cross... -
Catalogue Entry: Golf Courses
Golf Courses is a point dataset identifying the location of golf courses in British Columbia. -
Catalogue Entry: Local Health Area Boundaries
Local Health Area (LHA) are administrative boundaries for the Ministry of Health; 2022 boundary configuration. The LHAs are a mutually exclusive and exhaustive classification of... -
Catalogue Entry: FADM - Provincial Forest Exclusion
The spatial representation for a Forest Exclusion, which is an areas or block excluded from Provincial Forest at the time of the original establishment by Order in Council -
Catalogue Entry: Crown Land Pricing Zones - Communication Sites
Rent calculation for the use of Crown land for communication sites purposes is based on zonal rates per site per user category. There are currently 3 zones covering the... -
Catalogue Entry: Snowmobile Areas in Parks within the Cariboo Region
Designated play areas for snowmobiles in Tweedsmuir and Itcha-Ilgachuz Provincial Parks. Tweedsmuir Provincial Park Master Plan Itcha Ilgachuz Provincial Park Management Plan... -
Catalogue Entry: Employment Program of British Columbia Regional Boundaries
This layer represents the regional boundaries that the Employment and Labour Market Services Division of the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation maintains. -
Catalogue Entry: FADM - Provincial Forest
The spatial representation for a Provincial Forest, which is any forest land that is designated by the Lieutenant Governor in council, to be managed and used for the social and... -
Catalogue Entry: Aquifers with Water Allocation Notations
This dataset displays aquifers with water allocation notations on them. This dataset is updated daily. -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Tenure Real Property Project
This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Real Property Projects. These are spatial representations of land that is under intensive management/administration by the... -
Catalogue Entry: Area Based Management Plans
Area Based Management Plans (ABMP) are designated areas for the purposes of environmental protection. It must consider the impact of point and non-point source of waste,...