Catalogue Entry: WSA - Aquatic Features (50,000)
Aquatic Features including Falls, Cascades and springs based on the 1:50,000 scale Canadian National Topographic Series of Maps. -
Catalogue Entry: Water Licensed Works - Points
Province-wide SDE layer showing point works associated with a Water Licence -
Catalogue Entry: Rose Swanson Sensitive Area Vernon Forest District
Boundary of Rose Swanson sensitive area within the Vernon Forest District-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Storm Sewer
A Storm Sewer is an enclosed system of pipes or drains that divert water away from the road and/or right of way. Also includes culverts that run under enclosed ditches. It is a... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Waterbody Type Codes
Links the waterbody type codes used in the waterbody layers with an English description used to categorize waterbody features -
Catalogue Entry: Fish Distribution Habitat Reconnaisance Lillooet TSA
Fish Habitat Reconnaisance Survey - Fraser Tributaries, Yalakom River, and Tyaughton Creek Watersheds-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: BCGS 1:20,000 Grid
BCGS 1:20,000 scale grid. The British Columbia Geographic System is a geographic system in which the coverage in minutes and seconds of longitude is double the coverage in... -
Catalogue Entry: BCGS 1:2,500 Mapsheet Grid - NAD 83
BCGS 1:2,500 scale grid, North Amercian Datum 1983. The British Columbia Geographic System is a geographic system in which the coverage in minutes and seconds of longitude is... -
Catalogue Entry: Crown Land Pricing Zones - Utilities
Rent calculation for the use of Crown land for utilities purposes is based on zonal land values. There are currently 7 zones covering the province. The dataset outlines the... -
Catalogue Entry: CEEI Primary Indicators Total 2007 Regional Districts
Community Energy and Emissions Inventory (CEEI) Primary Indicators Total 2007 Reporting Year by Regional District -
Catalogue Entry: Livestock at Large Regulations in British Columbia
In British Columbia, there are over 100 Livestock Districts, Bull Control Areas and Pound Districts established by regulation under the Livestock Act. Livestock Districts, with... -
Catalogue Entry: Wildlife Habitat Areas - Approved
The dataset contains approved legal boundaries for wildlife habitat areas and specified areas for species at risk and regionally important wildlife. Additional information... -
Catalogue Entry: Hydrology: 100 Year Peak Flow Isolines (Historical)
100 year peak flow isolines in cubic metres per second (m3/s) for 100 square kilometre watersheds and 100 year return period -
Catalogue Entry: Coastal BC Moorages
The locations of coastal British Columbia moorages -
Catalogue Entry: LiDAR
LiDAR (__Li__ght __D__etection __A__nd __R__anging) is a modern survey method that produces three-dimensional spatial information in the form of a data point cloud. LiDAR is an...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: WSA - Third-Order and Greater Watersheds (50,000)
Watershed polygons of Third Order and greater based on the Strahler Stream Order classification method and the 1:50,000 scale Canadian National Topographic Series of maps. -
Catalogue Entry: Sechelt Indian Government District - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of BC
The Sechelt Indian Government District contains legally defined areas of land within the Province of British Columbia over which the Sechelt Indian Band exercises self-... -
Catalogue Entry: CHS High Water Mark Lines
The Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) High Water Mark Lines provide alongshore and across-shore geomorphological and biological attributes of the high water mark shoreline.... -
Catalogue Entry: Coastal BC Recreational Craft Cruising Routes
The locations of coastal British Columbia recreational and pleasure craft cruising routes -
Catalogue Entry: Agriculture Capability Mapping
The Agriculture Capability mapping dataset is the digitized equivalent of the legacy Agriculture Capability Scanned Maps, which date from the 1960's to the 1990s. Agriculture...