Catalogue Entry: Predicted Spawning Periods for Reduced Risk Work Windows for Quesnel and...
Fish Spawning Periods for the Quesnel and Central Cariboo Forest Districts. -
Catalogue Entry: Ecological Catalogue (formerly AquaCat)
A compendium of reports that provide information about aquatic and terrestrial animals and plants, soils, surface water, groundwater and their accompanying data files and maps -
Catalogue Entry: Non-Productive Forest for the Cariboo Region
Areas of non-productive forest land in the Cariboo Region. Includes icefields, alpine areas, rock, gravel pits, sand, clay, non-productive brush, etc. From FC1 circa 2002 -
Catalogue Entry: RESULTS - Forest Cover Silviculture
RESULTS opening's forest cover poylgons with silviculture component provided. Current forest cover subimssion into RESULTS must contain attribute and map information. However,... -
Catalogue Entry: Sheep Wintering Habitat for the Cariboo Region
Polygon coverage, based on points coverage created from telemetry and survey data-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Forest Inventory Zones
The Forest Inventory Zone(s) (FIZ) were developed to provide a broadly based ecological classification of the forest land in British Columbia. FIZ closely follow the early... -
Catalogue Entry: Oil and Gas Tenure Areas
Tenure Areas are geographic administrative areas named for local features and used to group petroleum and natural gas Land Plats situated within the same local geographic area. -
Catalogue Entry: Stream Classification Double Line for the Cariboo Region
Double line streams from FC1 assigned a stream class-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: FADM - Timber Supply Area (TSA)
The spatial representation for a Timber Supply Area or TSA Supply Block: A Timber Supply Area is a designated area established by the Ministry in order to practice sound,... -
Catalogue Entry: Digital Elevation Model for British Columbia - CDED - 1:250,000
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for British Columbia produced by GeoBC. This data is the TRIM DEM converted to the Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED)format. The data consists... -
Catalogue Entry: Elk Valley Water Quality Plan
The Elk Valley Area Based Management Plan (ABMP) - “Elk Valley Water Quality Plan” was developed according to Ministerial Order No. 113 to remediate water quality effects of... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Tenure Special Access Road Line
This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Map Notation Lines. These are the spatial representation of the linear geometry for FSR Declarations and FSR Gazettes... -
Catalogue Entry: Shoreunit Polygons (Unmapped)
A layer showing all polygon features that have not been mapped using the Physical shorezone Mapping system-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: RESULTS - Forest Cover Species (Attribute Only)
The tree species contained within RESULT's FOREST COVER inventory and silviculture components. This view contains attribute data and is intended to be joined with the other...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: WSA - Water Feature Annotation (50,000)
Hydrographic Annotation based on the 1:50,000 scale Canadian National Topographic Series of Maps.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Historic Trail Areas of British Columbia
This dataset contains spatial and tabular data on non-archaeological historic trails in B.C. Some of these trails, or sections of trail, are defined or protected under... -
Catalogue Entry: TANTALIS - Surveyed Parcels
TA_SURVEY_PARCELS_SVW Contains the spatial representation (polygon) of all active primary and subdivision parcels of land that are or have been within the purview of the B.C.... -
Catalogue Entry: Province of British Columbia - Boundary Terrestrial
This dataset consists of polyline, single part, and multi part polygons representing the Province of British Columbia. The terrestrial portion of the boundary was derived from... -
Catalogue Entry: Health Authority Boundaries
Health Authority (HA) boundaries. 2022 boundary configuration The HAs are a mutually exclusive and exhaustive classification of the land area in BC. HAs are contiguous (land... -
Catalogue Entry: MTA - Coal Grid, Block
Determines the location of Coal Titles within the Province of British Columbia. It is established under the authority of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Grid Regulation. It is...