Catalogue Entry: DRASTIC Aquifer Intrinsic Vulnerability
Spatial dataset of DRASTIC aquifer intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater for specific study areas in BC, as reported in technical summary reports which are made available... -
Catalogue Entry: Shorezone Shoreunit Break Points
A layer of points which delinate a change in shoreline type -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas 20K-50K Waterbody Cross Reference Table
Contains all primary and secondary matches between 1:20K and 1:50K waterbody polygons. This attribute table links the new Freshwater Atlas watershed codes with the existing... -
Catalogue Entry: MTA - Mineral & Coal Land Reserve History SP
Historic view of areas within the province of British Columbia where mineral, placer and coal titles were once restricted and placer titles are permitted. This business view... -
Catalogue Entry: FADM - BC Timber Sales Area
FADM BCTS AREA SP is a BC Timbers Sales Business Area - an administrative area established by the Ministry (The Forest Act), and establishes the BC Timber Sales Program... -
Catalogue Entry: ENV Regional Boundaries
The spatial representation for Environment Regions. An Environment Region is an administrative area established by the Ministry and is an administrative area which is used to... -
Catalogue Entry: ALC ALR Polygons
The spatial representation for the boundary of an Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), which is a parcel of land, based on soil and climate, deemed necessary to be maintained for... -
Catalogue Entry: Boreal Caribou Core Habitat Areas - Peace Region
Boreal caribou core habitat areas for the Peace Region are areas of high current capability and suitability based on boreal caribou habitat requirements and known use (via...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Outside Boundary of Class 3 Domestic Watersheds - Kootenay Region
Outside boundaries of class 3 domestic watersheds for the Kootenay Region (tpar_r4)-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Video Flightline Points
VIDEO FLIGHT POINTS are a specific GPS spatial point recorded during the video taping of the shoreline. They are represented by a specific latitude and longitude taken at a... -
Catalogue Entry: Draft Viewpoints for the Cariboo Region
Draft viewpoints leading to viewlines and into viewscapes for the Cariboo Region. -
Catalogue Entry: Strategic Land and Resource Plans - Current
Contains the boundaries of current British Columbia Strategic Land and Resource Plans (SLRPs). The plans can be accessed here. SLRPs provide direction for Crown land use through... -
Catalogue Entry: Non Legal Planning Features - Current - Polygon
A spatially identified polygon on land and/or water that has been mapped for specific land and/or resource uses as determined through a strategic land and resource planning... -
Catalogue Entry: Recreation Polygons
The spatial representation of a recreation feature. This can be either a recreation reserve, recreation site, or an interpretative forest -
Catalogue Entry: FSP Agreement Holders
Licensees who hold Forest Stewardship Plan agreements-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Forest Tenure Managed Licence
This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Managed LIcences. These are Community Forest Schedule A and B, Woodlot License Schedule A and B. The Forest Tenures Section... -
Catalogue Entry: Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping - Fort Sheppard - Sample Plots
Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping Sample Plot Locations for Fort Sheppard in the Arrow Boundary Forest District (ttems_fs)-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) - Points (SVW)
The dataset contains projects that are currently, or have been, subject to environmental assessment review. Attributes include the project description, project phase, decision,... -
Catalogue Entry: Leading Group for the Cariboo Region
Leading Group for the Cariboo Region (pinegroup or firgroup). #### 1. IDF - Fir Group: includes all forest polygons in NDT 4 (IDF and BG biogeoclimatic zones) that meet any of... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Road Structures
The Road Structures on the highway that are maintained by the Ministry. Highway structures include bridges, culverts (greater than or equal to 3m diameter), retaining walls...