Catalogue Entry: Domestic Watersheds - KBLUP
Domestic Watersheds for the Kootenay Boundary Landuse Plan (ldws_r4)-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Distribution of Killer Whales - Coastal Resource Information Management...
Modeled data showing the likely distribution of Killer Whales. CRIMS is a legacy dataset of BC coastal resource data that was acquired in a systematic and synoptic manner from... -
Catalogue Entry: Growth and Yield Samples - All Status
NOTE This dataset is going to be replaced by the Data Catalogue layer: Forest Inventory Ground Plots - Public Access This new layer links to the updated database for all Forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Health Service Delivery Area Boundaries
Health Service Delivery Area (HSDA) boundaries. 2022 boundary configuration. Sixteen areas covering the province used to provide program delivery and services. The HSDAs are a... -
Catalogue Entry: Automated Snow Weather Station Locations
Locations of automated snow weather stations, active and inactive. Automated snow weather stations are components of the BC snow survey network. -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Tenure Free Use Permit
This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Free Use Permits. These are permits issued by the Ministry that authorize the permittee to cut and use Crown timber without... -
Catalogue Entry: Growth and Yield Samples - Active Status
NOTE This layer is being replaced with the new authoritative source for PSP location: Growth and Yield Plots - Active Status Growth and Yield dataset is a provincial data set... -
Catalogue Entry: Draft Viewlines with Direction for the Cariboo Region
Draft viewlines originating from viewpoints and leading into viewscapes for the Cariboo Region. -
Catalogue Entry: Water Licensed Works - Lines
Province-wide SDE layer showing linear works associated with a Water Licence -
Catalogue Entry: Okanagan Lake Reach Breaks
Set of arbitrary location points, usually set at landmarks (definable points on the lake shoreline such as shoreline points, docks, houses etc) to break the lake into...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Range Units
A Range Unit is an administrative area established to assist in the management of the range program. Typically made up of one or more pastures. Generally, one or more Range... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Obstructions
Water obstacles (rapids, falls, etc) -
Catalogue Entry: Douglas Fir Management for Mule Deer in the Cariboo Region
Douglas Fir Management for Mule Deer used in SRMP analysis-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Oil and Gas Construction Corridors
Applications for spatial areas occurring on Crown land in which oil and gas activities will take place. Construction corridors allow for flexibility in the movement, placement... -
Catalogue Entry: Fisheries Sensitive Watersheds - Proposed
A Fisheries Sensitive Watershed (FSW) is a mapped area with specific management objectives intended to guide development activities which may adversely impact important fish... -
Catalogue Entry: Timing Windows for Work in and About Waterbodies in the Cariboo NR Region...
This dataset is a generalized view of "Timing Windows for Work in and About Waterbodies in the Cariboo Natural Resource Region" used for viewing the data at the Regional level....-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Watersheds
All fundamental watershed polygons generated from watershed boundary lines, bank edges, delimiter edges, coastline edges, and administrative boundary edges -
Catalogue Entry: Patch Size Assessment Amalgamation Units for the Cariboo Natural Resource Region
This dataset is a combination of landscape unit, biogeoclimatic zone/subzone/variants and Cariboo Chilcotin Land Use Plan leading group type (PineGroup or FirGroup) that patch... -
Catalogue Entry: Water Reservations - Points
Province-wide spatial view showing the most downstream point of a stream or drainage system, established by Order-in-Council as a Water Reservation. This layer is updated daily. -
Catalogue Entry: Northern Goshawk Nesting Habitat Suitability - Cariboo NR Region
This hexagonal polygon dataset identifies potential suitable nesting habitat for Northern Goshawk (NOGO) within the Cariboo Natural Resource Region.