Catalogue Entry: Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage
The Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage theme presents records of all known obstacles to fish passage from several fisheries datasets. Records from the following datasets have... -
Catalogue Entry: Physiographic Areas
This is a polygon feature class representing large, named, physiographic features (areas) in the province, e.g., mountains, mountain ranges, ridges, plateaus, hills, and valleys. -
Catalogue Entry: CEEI Supporting Indicators Total 2001 Communities
Community Energy and Emissions Inventory (CEEI) Supporting Indicators Total 2001 Reporting Year by Community-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Lakes
All lake polygons for the province -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Tenure Timber Licence Elimination
The spatial representation for the areas that have been eliminated from a timber licence -
Catalogue Entry: Coastal BC Marine Industrial Sites
The locations of coastal British Columbia industrial sites -
Catalogue Entry: Species and Ecosystems at Risk - Publicly Available Occurrences - CDC
The B.C. Conservation Data Centre’s spatial view of publicly available, known locations of species and ecological communities at risk. This spatial view is split into the... -
Catalogue Entry: Soil Survey Spatial View
Soil Survey polygons contain soils spatial and attribute information utilized by the Ministry of Environment online Soil Information Finder Tool (SIFT). The information pertains... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Macro-Reaches (50,000)
Stream Macro-Reaches delineated through interpretation of Topographic features from the 1:50,000 scale Canadian National Topographic Series of Maps. -
Catalogue Entry: Oil and Gas Road Right of Way Applications
Applications for land authorizations representing the road right of way for road activities. This dataset contains polygon features for proposed applications collected through... -
Catalogue Entry: FWCP Columbia Basin Dam Units
Units dividing the Columbia Basin in to BC Hydro reservoir-based watersheds-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Landscape Units (Subdivisions) for Wildlife Habitat Area 5-086
Landscape Units (Subdivisions) were developed as a part of the 2002 Northern Caribou Strategy and are used for landscape level planning within Wildlife Habitat Area 5-086. For... -
Catalogue Entry: Coastal BC Marine Navigation Hazards - Point
The locations of coastal British Columbia marine navigation hazards -
Catalogue Entry: Shorezone Biobanding Polygons
The Shorezone Biobanding Polygons are an area representation of the various types of biota (flora and fauna) and their distribution, or lack thereof, found in the shoreunit. -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Social Development Region Boundaries
This file contains the regional boundaries for the five Ministry regions. It is currently available as a .kmz (a compressed .kml file). The Ministry no longer uses a 'regional'... -
Catalogue Entry: CEEI Supporting Indicators Total 1996 Regional Districts
Community Energy and Emissions Inventory (CEEI) Supporting Indicators Total 1996 Reporting Year by Regional District-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Caribou Habitat Model - E. Cariboo Region/Columbia Highlands/N. Columbia...
Summer, Spring, Early Winter, and Late Winter multi-scale habitat model for mountain caribou in the Western Cariboo Region / Columbia Highlands / Northern Columbia Mountains.... -
Catalogue Entry: IDMI Project Boundary
IDMI project boundary-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Grassland Benchmark for the Cariboo Region
Historical Grassland and Current Grassland = Grassland Benchmark-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Wildlife Habitat Areas - Proposed
Wildlife habitat areas (WHAs) are mapped areas that are necessary to meet the habitat requirements of an Identified Wildlife element. WHAs designate critical habitats in which...