Catalogue Entry: Purchasing Card Expenditures - Ministry of Environment - FYE11
A list of all Ministry of Environment purchasing card transactions for the fiscal year. During fiscal 2011, reorganization took place in October and March, and as a result, the... -
Catalogue Entry: 2012-13 Second Quarterly Report - 2012-13 Expense by Ministry, Program and...
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's spending, including budgeted and actual values at September 30, 2012, actual values at September 30, 2011, full year... -
Catalogue Entry: govTogetherBC Environment-related Engagement Opportunities RSS Feed
This is an RSS feed of all engagement opportunities listed in the Environment category on www.gov.bc.ca/govtogetherbc, the B.C. government's directory of public engagement... -
Catalogue Entry: Class Size by Grade
Class size by grade information from 2006/2007 to 2023/2024 (split into 3 files due to size constraints). Statistics by School level; counts reflect the class organization as of... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Statistics - Development Cost Charges and Building Permit...
Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Development Cost Charges (DCCs) and Building Permit Information - Municipality - 2004. The Statistics schedules consist of... -
Catalogue Entry: Bee survey and production statistics
The B.C. Government releases annual summary reports after surveying beekeepers for the farm gate value for the crop year of their sales of wax, pollen, bee stock, pollination... -
Catalogue Entry: 2013 Financial-Economic Rev - Revenue by Source - Budget 2011 Tbl 2.6
A tabular presentation of British Columbia revenue by source showing Budget 2012 values, and actual values for 2012/13 and 2011/12. -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2012 - Sales Taxes Tbl 1.6
A tabular summary of British Columbia sales tax revenue for fiscal years 2011-12 through 2014-15, including harmonized sales tax, social services tax, designated property tax,... -
Catalogue Entry: 2012-13 Second Quarterly Report - Private Sector Exchange Rate Forecasts Tbl 2.3
A tabular presentation of the United States exchange rate forecasts for 2012 and 2013 by 6 private sector institutions. -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2013 - Supplement to the Estimates
Tabular Budget 2013 supplementary information for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2014 providing additional information on proposed spending, organized into major categories... -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2012 - Notional Allocations To Contingencies Tbl 1.25
A tabular presentation of British Columbia notional allocations to contingencies and allowances for unforeseen pressures for the years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Statistics - Development Cost Charges and Building Permit...
Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Development Cost Charges (DCCs) and Building Permit Information - Regional District - 2007. The Statistics schedules consist... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Tax Rates and Assessments - Taxes and Charges on a...
Local Government Tax Rates and Assessments - Taxes and Charges on a Representative House 2004. Municipal tax rate bylaws are required to be adopted before May 15th of each year.... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Statistics - Assets - Regional District - 2003
Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Assets - Regional District - 2003. The Statistics schedules consist of data provided to the ministry by local governments in... -
Catalogue Entry: Voting Strength for Regional Districts 2008 - Columbia Shuswap
Populations certified by the Minister of Community and Rural Development under section 783(3) of the Local Government Act, effective December 1, 2007. These population figures... -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2012 - Carbon Tax Tbls Tbl 1 and Tbl 2
Carbon Tax Topic Box Tables: Table 1 - Revenue Neutral Carbon Tax Report 2010-11 and 2011-12, includes carbon tax revenue offset by designated personal and corporate tax... -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2012 - Revenue Assumptions Tbl A5
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia revenue sources and material assumptions, including taxation, natural resource sales, transfers and royalties, health and social... -
Catalogue Entry: 2012-13 First Quarterly Report - BC Gross Domestic Product 2010-16 Tbl 2.6.1
A tabular presentation of British Columbia's real and nominal gross domestic product for 2010 to 2016 including components of real GDP at market prices. -
Catalogue Entry: Property Transfer Tax Data 2022
Property transfer tax (PTT) data relating to market transactions within the province. For more information regarding Property Transfer Tax (PTT) see our website. This data-set... -
Catalogue Entry: Waste Discharge Authorizations - All Authorizations
Authorization information compiled from the Waste Discharge Authorizations DATAMART that extracts data according to pre-selected criteria from the Environmental Management...