Catalogue Entry: Islands Trust - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of BC
A legally defined Islands Trust polygon was drawn from metes and bounds descriptions as written in Letters Patent for the Islands Trust in the province of British Columbia. A... -
Catalogue Entry: Slope/Aspect Categories in Mule Deer Winter Range - Cariboo Region
Slope/aspect categories within mule deer winter range in the Cariboo Region. -
Catalogue Entry: Caribou Herd Locations for BC
This data contains the current caribou subpopulation (herd) boundaries. Herd boundaries are derived from the best available science and expert knowledge. A caribou subpopulation... -
Catalogue Entry: Ecodivisions - Ecoregion Ecosystem Classification of British Columbia
Ecodivisions are areas of broad climatic and physiographic uniformity, defined at the continental level. -
Catalogue Entry: Dabbling Ducks - Coastal Resource Information Management System (CRIMS)
Distribution of dabbling duck species habitat in coastal British Columbia showing relative abundance (RA) by season and overall relative importance (RI). RI is based on project... -
Catalogue Entry: Water Quality Objectives Reports - Index
Index containing links to Water Quality Objectives Reports , Summary and Technical, available through Internet -
Catalogue Entry: Slope/Aspect Habitat Type Limitations in Mule Deer Winter Range – Cariboo Region
Slope/Aspect habitat type limitations (high, moderate, low) in mule deer winter range within the Cariboo Region. These limitations apply only to interior douglas fir (IDF) and... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Indigenous Business Listings
The BC Indigenous Business Listings dataset offers a brief summary of Indigenous businesses operating in the province. For each business listed in the dataset, information... -
Catalogue Entry: Bedrock Geology
British Columbia Digital Geology is the data source used for the seamless province-wide, up-to-date, and detailed bedrock geology. The bedrock geology is standardized with... -
Catalogue Entry: Limited Entry Hunting (LEH) Zones - Current Opportunities Polygon
Current Limited Entry Hunting (LEH) Zones polygons are hunting opportunities created via a lottery, and the details are found in the LEH Synopsis. Participation in the LEH draw... -
Catalogue Entry: Recreation Sites Subset - Information Purposes Only
This data set contains a small sub-set of the WHSE_FOREST_TENURE.FTEN_RECREATION_POLY_SVW layer, in point form, with minimal attribution for the purpose of displaying a select... -
Catalogue Entry: Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative Boundary - Polygon
The Georgia Basin Boundary dataset displays the extent of the Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative undertaken by the federal, provincial, and municipal governments. The objectives... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Culverts
A Culvert is a pipe (less than 3m in diameter) or half-round flume used to transport or drain water under or away from the road and/or right of way. Culverts that are greater... -
Catalogue Entry: Hydrology: 10 Year Peak Flow Isolines (Historical)
10 year peak flow isolines in cubic metres per second (m3/s) for 100 square kilometre watersheds and 10 year return period -
Catalogue Entry: Avalanche and Weather Programs - Weather and Frost Probe Station List
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure's Avalanche and Weather Programs is responsible for the support and maintenance of the ministry's weather data. While... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Rest Area
A Rest Area is a developed roadside area for the use of the traveling public which must contain a washroom, and often has litter receptacles, picnic tables and other facilities.... -
Catalogue Entry: Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping - TFL 14 / Spillimachine
Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping for Tree Farm License 14 / Spllimachine in the Rocky Mountain Forest District (ttem_t14)-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Oil and Gas Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Applications
The area of Crown land disturbance for applications falling within a Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) road allowance. The BC Energy Regulator issues cutting... -
Catalogue Entry: Northern Goshawk Forage Habitat Suitability - Cariboo NR Region
This hexagonal polygon dataset identifies potential suitable foraging habitat for Northern Goshawk (NOGO) within the Cariboo Natural Resource Region. -
Catalogue Entry: MTA - Mineral Reserve Sites Business View
~~~~~~~~~~~~Defines areas within the province of British Columbia where mineral, placer and coal titles are restricted and placer titles are permitted. This business view...