Catalogue Entry: International Goods Exports by Major Market and Selected Commodities, 2010 Tbl A1.7
A tabular presentation of British Columbia international goods exports by major market and selected commodities, 2010 (Source: BC Stats). -
Catalogue Entry: Voting Strength for Regional Districts 2008 - Kitimat-Stikine
Populations certified by the Minister of Community and Rural Development under section 783(3) of the Local Government Act, effective December 1, 2007. These population figures... -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2012 - Third Quarter Debt to December 31, 2011 Tbl 4.12
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia 2011-12 third quarter update for provincial debt, including year-to-date (December 31, 2011) and full year budget values, actual... -
Catalogue Entry: International and Domestic Student Headcount in English Language Learning by...
Previously known as: 'English as a Second Language Domestic and International Student Headcount by Age Group at Public Post-secondary Institutions.' -
Catalogue Entry: Budget 2012 - Third Quarter 2011-12 Forecast Changes Tbl 4.2
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia 2011-12 third quarter forecast update, including revised First, Second, and Third Quarter values and total change to revenue,... -
Catalogue Entry: Pension Plan Balances Tbl 2.14
A tabular presentation of British Columbia public service, minicipal teachers, college, and other pension plan balances reported within the public accounts, for 2010-11 and... -
Catalogue Entry: Voting Strength for Regional Districts 2008 - Skeena-Queen Charlotte
Populations certified by the Minister of Community and Rural Development under section 783(3) of the Local Government Act, effective December 1, 2007. These population figures... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Employment and Assistance Program by Federal Electoral District
The Ministry reports the breakdown of the BC Employment and Assistance program each month by federal electoral district. This data is from 1995 onwards and includes counts for... -
Catalogue Entry: 2012-13 First Quarterly Report - Fiscal Plan Tbl 1.2
A tabular summary of British Columbia's operating statement forecast for 2012-13 to 2014-15. -
Catalogue Entry: BC Health - Practitioner Demographics & Level of Activity for Med Spec by...
Number of Practitioners with a Medical Speciality, practitioner's median age, total number of services, total expenditure, average number of days and average number of patients... -
Catalogue Entry: govTogetherBC Telephone Opportunities RSS Feed
This is an RSS feed of all engagement opportunities via telephone listed on www.gov.bc.ca/govtogetherbc, Government's directory of public engagement opportunities. The content... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Finance - 2013 Financial and Economic Review - Aggregate and Labour...
A tabular presentation of British Columbia international aggregate and labour market indicators, including nominal and real GDP; population; labour force; employment and... -
Catalogue Entry: 2013-14 First Quarterly Report - Private Sector Canadian Interest Rate...
A tabular presentation of interest rate forecasts for Canadian 3-month Treasury Bills and 10-year Government Bonds in 2013 by 6 private sector institutions as at July 22, 2013. -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Statistics - Analysis of Authorized Debt and Short-Term...
Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Analysis of Authorized Debt and Short-Term Capital Borrowing - Municipality - 2008. The Statistics schedules consist of data... -
Catalogue Entry: Voting Strength for Regional Districts 2008 - Strathcona
Populations certified by the Minister of Community and Rural Development under section 783(3) of the Local Government Act, effective December 1, 2007. These population figures... -
Catalogue Entry: 2012-13 First Quarterly Report - Revenue Assumptions Tbl A1
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's revenue assumptions for the 2012-13 Budget and updated forecast for 2012-13 to 2014-15. -
Catalogue Entry: Net Liabilities and Accumulated Surplus, Budget 2011 Tbl 2.13
A tabular presentation of British Columbia net liabilities and accumulated surplus, consistent with March 31, 2012 government accounting policies, including totals for financial... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Crown Land Indicators and Statistics - Active Crown Tenures on April 1, 2009
A historic record of all Land Act tenures in good standing, e.g. not cancelled or expired, on April 1, 2009. Crown tenures are a subset of Crown land dispositions issued for... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Statistics - Summary Statement of Financial Position -...
Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Summary Statement of Financial Position - Regional District - 2005. The Statistics schedules consist of data provided to the... -
Catalogue Entry: 2013-14 First Quarterly Report - Statement of Financial Position Tbl 1.16
A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's financial position including budgeted and actual values at June 30, 2013, actual values at June 30, 2012, full year...