Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Retaining Wall
A Retaining Wall is a structure designed to protect the road infrastructure by retaining materials on the fill side to prevent road bed slips and by retaining materials on the... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Inventory Ground Plots - Public Access
The Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch (FAIB) is responsible for coordinating and managing data collection and analyses from a range of different ground sampling programs that... -
Catalogue Entry: MTA - Mineral Placer Grid
The grid system used in Mineral Titles Online (MTO). This grid is used to determine the location of mineral and placer cell titles in B.C. The grid is designed based on the... -
Catalogue Entry: FADM - Region Compartment
The spatial representation for an Inventory Region or Compartment. Established by the Resource Inventory Branch, Inventory Regions are large drainages encompassing groups of... -
Catalogue Entry: Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping - Broadwater
Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping for Broadwater in the Arrow Boundary Forest District (ttem_bw)-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Caribou Habitat Model for the Western Cariboo Region (2001)
Summer, Winter Alpine, and Winter Forest-Dwelling habitat model for caribou in the Itcha, Ilgachuz, and Rainbow Mountains of West-Central BC. This habitat model was developed... -
Catalogue Entry: Hydrometric Stations - Active and Discontinued
BC active and discontinued hydrometric stations (surface water level and flow data) that are part of the provincial hydrometric network managed under a national program jointly... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Tenure Communication Sites
This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Radio Communication Sites. Communication Sites are physical land locations containing structures and equipment which provide... -
Catalogue Entry: BCGS 1:5,000 Grid
British Columbia Geographic System 1:5,000 scale mapsheet grid. Each mapsheet is one fourth of a 1:10,000 mapsheet numbered 1 through 4. The neatlines were defined and created... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Regional Boundary
Ministry of Transportation Regional Boundary is an exclusive geographic area within the province that the Ministry organizational unit is responsible for. Each Ministry Region... -
Catalogue Entry: Biodiversity Corridors Kamloops Forest District
Biodiversity Corridors in the Kamloops Forest District showing dispersal routes of wildlife.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Counties of British Columbia - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of BC
The Counties of British Columbia contains areas of land within the Province of British Columbia representing legally defined administrative areas described in the County... -
Catalogue Entry: Winter Limnology Sites for the Cariboo Region
Winter limnologoy (mean oxygen) sites in the Cariboo Region-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Drainage Appliance
A Drainage Appliance is an apparatus (that has not been described as a culvert), or earth works, designed to facilitate the movement of water in a controlled manner. Drainage... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Named Point Features
Named point features (both fresh and marine) such as points of land, etc. Point names included as an attribute -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Wetlands
All wetland polygons for the province -
Catalogue Entry: Caribou Habitat Model for the Western Cariboo Region (2017)
Summer/Fall and Winter/Forest-Dwelling 2017 habitat model for caribou in the Itcha Ilgachuz area. [Season] field should be used to split the data out into separate summer/fall... -
Catalogue Entry: Distribution of California Sealions - Coastal Resource Information...
Modeled data showing the likely distribution of California sealions. CRIMS is a legacy dataset of BC coastal resource data that was acquired in a systematic and synoptic manner... -
Catalogue Entry: Non-TRIM Hydrography
Province-wide SDE layer showing licensed water sources (streams and lakes), under the Water Act, (current and historical), not captured (displayed) on TRIM base mapping (or...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Guide Outfitter Cabins - Kootenay Region
Guide Outfitter Existing Cabins for the Kootenay Region (qgotcbr4)-
File available for download in the following formats: