Catalogue Entry: Stream Classification for the Cariboo Region
Six stream riparian classes ([STREAM_CLASS] = 1-6) based on presence of fish, occurrence in a community watershed and average channel width. [STREAM_CLASS] = 7 refers to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Flood Protection Works - Appurtenant Structures
Existing flood protection works appurtenances on or near dikes, for example, pump house, floodbox, culvert, gate, gauge, weir, etc. Updated from available Provincial dike survey... -
Catalogue Entry: Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration Potential
Offshore Oil and Gias exporation Potential -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Tenure Map Notation Point
This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Map Notation Points. These are the the point spatial representation for a notation on the Forest Atlas which records the area... -
Catalogue Entry: UTM Zones of British Columbia
Portions of Universal Transverse Mercator Zones 7 - 12 which cover British Columbia, Northern Hemisphere only, formed into polygons, in BC Albers projection -
Catalogue Entry: CEEI Supporting Indicators Total 1996 Communities
Community Energy and Emissions Inventory (CEEI) Supporting Indicators Total 1996 Reporting Year by Community-
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Catalogue Entry: Coastal BC Boat Launches
The locations of coastal British Columbia boat launches -
Catalogue Entry: Northern Caribou Habitat Units of the Itcha and Ilgachuz Areas - Cariboo Region
1:50,000 habitat mapping for northern caribou in the Itcha and Ilgachuz Mtn. Areas, circa 1986. -
Catalogue Entry: RESULTS - Standards Units
Standards Units for an opening represents desired soil conservation limits and stocking outcomes for the defined net area to be reforested. An opening may have one or more... -
Catalogue Entry: Oil and Gas Road Right of Way Permits
Land authorizations representing the road right of way for road activities. The spatial data includes polygon data for approved and post-construction road rights of way... -
Catalogue Entry: WSA - Water Polygon Features (50,000)
One of the spatial views of the BC WATERSHED ATLAS 50K, which is the digital basemap representation of the aquatic Man-made waterbodies, Wetlands and Double-line Rivers based on... -
Catalogue Entry: NTS 250K Grid - Digital Baseline Mapping at 1:250,000 (NTS)
Index Grid for NTS 1:250,000 scale maps -
Catalogue Entry: Fibre Recovery Zones
The Fibre Recovery Zones (FRZ) define areas where increased waste rates may apply to avoidable waste left on a cutting authority as detailed in the Provincial Logging Residue... -
Catalogue Entry: Pest Infestation Points
Forest disturbances mapped primarily by the annual provincial aerial overview survey are recorded as polygons or spots (point data). This data set represents the spot (point)...-
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Catalogue Entry: Aquatic Invasive Species of British Columbia
Site locations of aquatic invasive species occurrences throughout the province. The aquatic invasive species include species of amphibians, fishes, invertebrates, plants, alga... -
Catalogue Entry: North Thompson Caribou Habitat Clearwater Forest District
North Thompson Caribou Habitat within the Clearwater Forest District-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Ecoregions - Ecoregion Ecosystem Classification of British Columbia
An ecoregion is an area with major physiographic and minor macroclimatic or oceanographic variation. There are 43 ecoregion in British Columbia of which 39 are terrestrial.... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Tenure Map Notation Polygon
This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Map Notation Polygons. These are polygonal spatial representation for a notation on the Forest Atlas which records the area... -
Catalogue Entry: Coastal BC Diving Sites
The locations of coastal British Columbia scuba diving sites -
Catalogue Entry: Coastal BC Campsites
The locations of coastal British Columbia overnight campsites and campgrounds