Catalogue Entry: 30-year Average Frost Day Count (-4 °C)
Frost Day Count (-4 °C) is defined as the count of the number of days in a calendar month where the minimum daily temperature for the climate day was at or below -4 °C. These... -
Catalogue Entry: 30-year Average Frost Free Period (0 °C)
Growing Season Frost Free Period (0 °C) is defined as the count of the number of days from the day after the last spring frost (0 °C) to the day before the first fall frost (0... -
Catalogue Entry: 30-year Average First Fall Frost (-4 °C)
First Fall Frost (-4 °C) is defined as the average day, during the second half of the year, of the first occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below -4 °C. These values are... -
Catalogue Entry: 30-year Average Growing Degree Days (GDDs), Base 0
Growing Degree Days (GDDs) are used to estimate the growth and development of plants and insects during the growing season. Insect and plant development are very dependent on... -
Catalogue Entry: 30-year Average Growing Degree Days (GDDs), Base 5
Growing Degree Days (GDDs) are used to estimate the growth and development of plants and insects during the growing season. Insect and plant development are very dependent on...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoTIF
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: 30-year Average Number of Days with Temperature above 25 °C
30-year Average Number of Days with Temperature above 25 °C are defined as the count of the number of climate days during the month where the maximum daily temperature was... -
Catalogue Entry: 30-year Average Number of Days with Temperature above 32 °C
30-year Average Number of Days with Temperature above 32 °C are defined as the count of the number of climate days during the month where the maximum daily temperature was... -
Catalogue Entry: 30-year Average Number of Days with Temperature above 30 °C
30-year Average Number of Days with Temperature above 30 °C are defined as the count of the number of climate days during the time period where the maximum daily temperature was... -
Catalogue Entry: Annual Crop Inventory 2022
In 2022, the Earth Observation Team of the Science and Technology Branch (STB) at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) repeated the process of generating annual crop... -
Catalogue Entry: Weekly Best-Quality Maximum - NDVI Anomalies
Each pixel value corresponds to the difference (anomaly) between the mean “Best-Quality” Max-NDVI of the week specified (e.g. Week 18, 2000-2014) and the “Best-Quality” Max-NDVI... -
Catalogue Entry: Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 75% Probability of Exceedence
The “Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 75% Probability of Exceedence” dataset is a line data set that covers the extent of Canada. It shows the 75% Probability of exceedence... -
Catalogue Entry: Quantitative Crop Rotation Characteristics of Canada
The Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Annual Crop Inventory (ACI) is produced at a national scale, covering Canada’s entire agricultural extent. It has been generated... -
Catalogue Entry: 30-year Average Minimum Temperature
Monthly 30-year Average Minimum Temperature represents the average monthly minimum temperature calculated at a given location averaged across a 30 year period (1961-1991,... -
Catalogue Entry: Agricultural Major Land Practices Groups of the Canadian Prairies
The “Agricultural Major Land Practices Groups of the Canadian Prairies” dataset lays out the areas of the 5 Major Land Practices Groups of the agricultural portions of the... -
Catalogue Entry: AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan - Contours - 50 centimetre
The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan - Contours - 50 centimetre is the LiDAR contours with an interval of 0.5m of the capture area of Saskatchewan. The contours... -
Catalogue Entry: Canada Crop Field Trial Regions Safe Zones
The Canadian major and minor crop field trial regions were developed following extensive stakeholder consultation and have been harmonized between the Pest Management Regulatory... -
Catalogue Entry: Annual Crop Inventory
Understanding the state and trends in agriculture production is essential to combat both short-term and long-term threats to stable and reliable access to food for all, and to... -
Catalogue Entry: 30-year Average Dry Day Count
30-year Average Dry Day Count is defined as the count of the average number of climate days which received less than 0.5 mm of precipitation during the calendar month. These... -
Catalogue Entry: Annual Crop Inventory 2023
In 2023, the Earth Observation Team of the Science and Technology Branch (STB) at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) repeated the process of generating annual crop... -
Catalogue Entry: Annual Crop Inventory 2009
In 2009 the Earth Observation Team of the Science and Technology Branch (STB) at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) began the process of generating annual crop inventory...