Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Canary Seed in Canada
This data shows spatial density of canary seed cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which canary... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Spring Wheat in Canada
This data shows spatial density of spring wheat cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which spring... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Mustard in Canada
This data shows spatial density of mustard cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which mustard is... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Beans in Canada
This data shows spatial density of beans cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which beans is more... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Sunflower in Canada
This data shows spatial density of sunflower cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which sunflower... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Lentils in Canada
This data shows spatial density of lentil cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which Lentils... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Oilseeds in Canada
This data shows spatial density of oilseed cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which oilseeds are... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Annual Crops in Canada
This data shows spatial density of annual crops cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which annual... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Potatoes in Canada
This data shows spatial density of potatos cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which potatoes are... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Forage Crops in Canada
This data shows spatial density of forage crops in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which forage crops are... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Major Crops
These datasets show the areas where major crops can be expected within the agricultural regions of Canada. Results are provided as rasters with numerical values for each pixel... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of all Wheat in Canada
This data shows spatial density of Wheat cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which Wheat is more... -
Catalogue Entry: Grain Elevators in Canada - 2021
The Grain Elevators in Canada - 2021 dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as... -
Catalogue Entry: Grain Elevators in Canada - 2020
The Grain Elevators in Canada - 2020 dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Soybean in Canada
This data shows spatial density of Soybean cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which Soybeans are... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Canola in Canada
This data shows spatial density of Canola cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which Canola is... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Cereals in Canada
This data shows spatial density of Cereals cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which Cereals are... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Barley in Canada
This data shows spatial density of Barley cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which Barley is... -
Catalogue Entry: Spatial Density of Pulses in Canada
This data shows spatial density of pulses cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which pulses are... -
Catalogue Entry: Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 25% Probability of Exceedence
The “Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 25% Probability of Exceedence” dataset is a line data set that covers the extent of Canada. It shows the 25% Probability of exceedence...