Catalogue Entry: Agri-Environmental Indicator – Risk of Water Contamination by Nitrogen
The Indicator of Risk of Water Contamination by nitrogen (IROWC-N) estimates the risk of water contamination by nitrogen leaching on agricultural lands in Canada from 1981 to... -
Catalogue Entry: Agri-Environmental Indicator – Soil Cover Days
The Agri-Environmental Indicator Soil Cover Days dataset provides a calculation of the amount of time each year that the soil of Canada agricultural lands is covered by a crop,... -
Catalogue Entry: Agri-Environmental Indicator – Risk of Water Contamination by Coliforms
The Agri-Environmental Indicator Risk of Water Contamination by Coliforms provides two variables including the Soil Coliform Load and the Coliform Risk to Water. The Soil... -
Catalogue Entry: Agri-Environmental Indicator – Particulate Matter
The Agri-Environmental Indicator Particulate Matter dataset provides an estimated net emissions of particulate matter from agricultural lands. -
Catalogue Entry: Agri-Environmental Indicator – Risk of Soil Erosion
The Agri-Environmental Indicator Soil Erosion Risk dataset provides the estimated risk of soil loss from the combined effects of wind, water, and tillage for Soil Landscapes of... -
Catalogue Entry: Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 50% Probability of Exceedence
The “Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 50% Probability of Exceedence” dataset is a line data set that covers the extent of Canada. It shows the 50% Probability of exceedence... -
Catalogue Entry: 2006 Derived Interpolated Census of Agriculture by Soil Landscapes of Canada
The 2006 Derived Interpolated Census of Agriculture by Soil Landscapes of Canada takes a subset of attributes from the 2006 Agricultural Census and creates new derived... -
Catalogue Entry: Agricultural Land Practices Groups of the Canadian Prairies
The “Agricultural Land Practices Groups of the Canadian Prairies” dataset lays out the areas of the 13 Land Practices Groups of the agricultural portions of the Canadian... -
Catalogue Entry: Land Cover for Agricultural Regions of Canada, circa 2000, Date Index
The “Land Cover for Agricultural Regions of Canada (circa 2000), Date Index” dataset is a geospatial data layer containing polygon features representing the Landsat scene... -
Catalogue Entry: Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 75% Probability of Exceedence
The “Annual Unit Runoff (dam3/km2) for a 75% Probability of Exceedence” dataset is a line data set that covers the extent of Canada. It shows the 75% Probability of exceedence... -
Catalogue Entry: Quantitative Crop Rotation Characteristics of Canada
The Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Annual Crop Inventory (ACI) is produced at a national scale, covering Canada’s entire agricultural extent. It has been generated... -
Catalogue Entry: Agricultural Major Land Practices Groups of the Canadian Prairies
The “Agricultural Major Land Practices Groups of the Canadian Prairies” dataset lays out the areas of the 5 Major Land Practices Groups of the agricultural portions of the... -
Catalogue Entry: AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan - Contours - 50 centimetre
The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan - Contours - 50 centimetre is the LiDAR contours with an interval of 0.5m of the capture area of Saskatchewan. The contours... -
Catalogue Entry: Canada Crop Field Trial Regions Safe Zones
The Canadian major and minor crop field trial regions were developed following extensive stakeholder consultation and have been harmonized between the Pest Management Regulatory... -
Catalogue Entry: Canada US Crop Field Trial Regions
There are fourteen major and four minor field trial regions in Canada and USA. Each of these regions recognizes physical characteristics, such as soils, and crops and climate,... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Drought Monitor
This series of datasets has been created by AAFC’s National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS) of the Agro-Climate, Geomatics and Earth Observations (ACGEO) Division of the... -
Catalogue Entry: Biomass Inventory Mapping and Analysis – Business Data
“Biomass Inventory Mapping and Analysis – Business Data” provides a number of datasets related to the yield and production of residues from the agricultural and forestry... -
Catalogue Entry: Biomass Inventory Cartographic Layer
The “Biomass Inventory Cartographic Layer” dataset provides the information that is used with the Biomass Report Framework to generate a visual representation of the... -
Catalogue Entry: Biomass Report Framework
“The “Biomass Report Framework” dataset is a fishnet polygon fabric used as a common spatial reporting framework for BIMAT that covers the extent of Canada. -
Catalogue Entry: Land Cover for Agricultural Regions of Canada, circa 2000
The “Land Cover for Agricultural Regions of Canada, circa 2000” is a thematic land cover classification representative of Circa 2000 conditions for agricultural regions of...