Catalogue Entry: Windsor Exposure Assessment Study (2005-2006) Volatile Organic Compounds...
Health Canada and the University of Windsor collected 24-hour personal, indoor, and outdoor exposure samples for 188 polar and non-polar volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A... -
Catalogue Entry: Halifax Indoor Air Quality Study (2009): Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)...
A residential indoor air quality study was conducted by Health Canada in 2009 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A range of air parameters typically found in and around residences was... -
Catalogue Entry: Regina Indoor Air Quality Study (2007): Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Data Summary
As part of a residential indoor air quality study, Health Canada and Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region collected 24-hour and 5-day indoor and outdoor exposure samples for 194... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Nutrient File, 2015
Canada's national food composition database reporting the amount of nutrients in foods commonly consumed in Canada. -
Catalogue Entry: The Food Consumption Table (2004 CCHS, cycle 2.2)
The food consumption table (FCT) provides estimates of daily intakes of foods (means and percentiles) obtained using data from the 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)... -
Catalogue Entry: Cross-Canada Survey of Radon Concentrations in Homes
Survey of long-term measurements of radon concentrations in volunteer homes from 2009 – 2011. National survey conducted by the National Radon Program covering all Health Regions. -
Catalogue Entry: Ottawa Bike Study Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)
A cross-over study was conducted among 42 healthy adults during summer 2010 in Ottawa, Canada. Participants cycled for 1-hour along high and low-traffic routes and volatile... -
Catalogue Entry: Ottawa Bike Study Exposure Dataset
A cross-over study was conducted among 42 healthy adults during the summer of 2010 in Ottawa, Canada. Participants cycled for 1 hour along high and low traffic routes and... -
Catalogue Entry: Radon and Thoron Data From Canadian Homes
Radon (Rn-222) is the second leading cause of lung cancer after tobacco smoking. It can easily move through small spaces in soils and other materials, allowing it to enter... -
Catalogue Entry: Usual Sodium and Potassium Intakes from the 2015 Canadian Community Health...
2015 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) data has been used to calculate usual intakes for sodium and potassium (mean and percentiles) for age, sex and life stage groupings... -
Catalogue Entry: Radon Field Study - ASD Research
The Active Soil Depressurization (ASD) radon field study is aimed to investigate mitigation technique efficacy in 52 participant homes in Ottawa-Gatineau area. -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Air Pollution and COVID-19 Data by Neighbourhood
The file comprises COVID-19 case counts, population, demographic and air pollution data by Toronto neighbourhood. The data were employed in an ecological study of the...