Catalogue Entry: OD0057 Child Care Subsidy Program Monthly Caseload
Number of Child Care Subsidy Program open cases, monthly, from 2010. One case could be a single child or a number of children in the same family.-
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Catalogue Entry: OD0055 Public School Locations
A list of all Public Schools Branch and Commission scolaire de langue française schools.-
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Catalogue Entry: OD0010 Official School Enrolment By Grade from 1999
PEI School Enrolment by School for a given school year.-
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Catalogue Entry: OD0017 Adult Custody Offender Bed Days
Adult Custody Offender Bed Days.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: OD0009 Official School Enrolment from 1999
School Enrolments by School for a given school year-
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Catalogue Entry: OD0036 Child Protection Statistics from 2011
This data set includes statistics measuring the numbers of services undertaken in the provision of Child Protection in PEI.-
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Catalogue Entry: OD0011 Student Loan Grant Assessments And Awards
Canada and Provincial Student Loan and Student Grants received by Island Students 2012-13 onwards.-
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Catalogue Entry: OD0056 AccessAbility Supports Monthly Caseload
Number of AccessAbility Support open cases, monthly, from 2010.-
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Catalogue Entry: OD0058 Social Assistance Program Monthly Caseload
Number of Social Assistance Program open cases, monthly, from 2010. One case could be a single child or a number of children in the same family.-
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Catalogue Entry: OD0066 Student Loan Defaults and Rehabilitations
Student Loan Defaults and Rehabilitations. 'Rehabilitated' means getting a loan back into good standing, i.e. out of default. 2016-17 is the first fiscal year that...-
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