Catalogue Entry: Non Legal Planning Features - Current - Line
A spatially identified line on land and/or water that has been mapped for specific land and/or resource uses as determined through a strategic land and resource planning... -
Catalogue Entry: Bedrock Geology
British Columbia Digital Geology is the data source used for the seamless province-wide, up-to-date, and detailed bedrock geology. The bedrock geology is standardized with... -
Catalogue Entry: Legal Planning Objectives - Current - Polygon
Spatially identified and mapped legal objective polygons as determined from Strategic Land and Resource Planning (SLRP) processes in the province of British Columbia. Legal... -
Catalogue Entry: Agriculture Capability Mapping
The Agriculture Capability mapping dataset is the digitized equivalent of the legacy Agriculture Capability Scanned Maps, which date from the 1960's to the 1990s. Agriculture... -
Catalogue Entry: Legal Planning Objectives - Current - Line
Spatially identified and mapped legal objective lines as determined from strategic land and resource planning processes in the province of British Columbia. Legal objectives can... -
Catalogue Entry: Northern Caribou Habitat Units of the Itcha and Ilgachuz Areas - Cariboo Region
1:50,000 habitat mapping for northern caribou in the Itcha and Ilgachuz Mtn. Areas, circa 1986. -
Catalogue Entry: Legal Planning Objectives - Current - Point
Spatially identified and mapped legal objective points as determined from Strategic Land and Resource Planning (SLRP) processes in the province of British Columbia. Legal... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Ports and Terminals
This dataset identifies the geographic locations of marine ports, terminals, shipyards, and harbours on the west coast of British Columbia. The points were reviewed and cross... -
Catalogue Entry: Strategic Land and Resource Plans - Current
Contains the boundaries of current British Columbia Strategic Land and Resource Plans (SLRPs). The plans can be accessed here. SLRPs provide direction for Crown land use through... -
Catalogue Entry: Non Legal Planning Features - Current - Polygon
A spatially identified polygon on land and/or water that has been mapped for specific land and/or resource uses as determined through a strategic land and resource planning... -
Catalogue Entry: Non Legal Planning Features - Current - Point
A spatially identified point on land and/or water that has been mapped for specific land and/or resource uses as determined through a strategic land and resource planning... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Data Catalogue Content
The BC Data Catalogue is the place to find B.C. Government data, applications and web services. Government ministries and many broader public sector agencies publish their data... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Tax Rates and Assessment 2014
Local Government Tax Rates and Assessments - 2014. Municipal tax rate bylaws are required to be adopted before May 15th of each year. Tax rate files and tax burden files are... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Government Tax Rates and Assessments 2013
Local Government Tax Rates and Assessments 2013. Municipal tax rate bylaws are required to be adopted before May 15th of each year. Tax rate files and tax burden files are...