Catalogue Entry: NCC Greenbelt Land use designations 2013
In the Greenbelt Master Plan (2013), the proposed land designations are a “classification” which assigns desired landscape character and uses to defined land areas across the... -
Catalogue Entry: National Capital Region
Boundaries of the National Capital Region since 1959, with the coming into force of the National Capital Act -
Catalogue Entry: NCC parking lots
Point representing each of the parking lots under the maintenance and management of the NCC. -
Catalogue Entry: Gatineau Park Lookouts
Locations of scenic points already existing and potential in the Gatineau Park borders. -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Remarkable trees
In celebration of the tremendous diversity of tree species that tell the story of our culture and history, the NCC released in September 2020 a compilation of close to 170... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Greenbelt Limits - 2013
Delimited area of the Greenbelt as of 2013. -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Gatineau Park Boundary - 2021
Delimited area of the Gatineau Park as of 2021. -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Gatineau Park Land use designations 2021
Described in the Gatineau Park Master plan (2021), the land use designations are the authorized activities or uses in a given area. They support the implementation of the park’s... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Core Area Boundary 2005
Delimited area of the Core Area Sector Plan as of 2005. https://ncc-ccn.gc.ca/our-plans/canadas-capital-core-area-sector-plan https://ncc-... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Picnic areas
Identification of the NCC's public picnic areas. Picnic tables present, some larger locations have shelters. https://ncc-ccn.gc.ca/places/picnicking https://ncc-... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Urban lands Land designations 2015
In the Capital Urban Lands Plan (2015), Land designations identify the desired uses for federal urban lands in relation to the role they play for the Capital in a given... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Urban Lands Study Area 2015
Study area of the Capital Urban Lands Plan as of 2015. https://ncc-ccn.gc.ca/our-plans/capital-urban-lands-plan https://ncc-website-2.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/Capital-Urban-... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Ecological Land Mass (ELM)
The Ecological Land Mass (ELM) classification was established through the 2020 National Interest Land Mass (NILM) Update. ELM lands describe ecological corridors that have... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC National Interest Land Mass (NILM)
The National Interest Land Mass (NILM) comprises a set of lands (mainly-NCC owned) considered essential to the functioning and experience of Canada's Capital. The NILM is the... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Capital Pathway - Ideal Network
To identify the overall reach and configuration of the Capital Pathway, show the location of existing pathways (as of 2020) and proposed pathway segments, and distinguish... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Rideau Canal Skateway - Ice condition
Rideau Canal Skateway - Ice condition by section Each winter, the NCC transforms the historic Rideau Canal into the world’s largest skating rink. The Rideau Canal Skateway winds... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Ecosystem Services Value 2016
Ecosystem services (ES) consist of direct and indirect functions and processes that people and society benefit from economically or that contribute to their quality of life.... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Tree Canopy 2017
Forest Cover Canopy for Capital Region The Tree Canopy Assessment for Canada’s Capital Region is a collaborative project by the National Capital Commission, the City of... -
Catalogue Entry: NCC Recreational Paths and Trails
Lines representing where recreational pathways, trails, parkways, and forest roads owned and/or maintained by the NCC are located.