Catalogue Entry: Substance use patterns of indigenous and Non-Indigenous Women Offenders
Substance use issues continue to be prevalent among women offenders, particularly Indigenous women.-
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Catalogue Entry: Indigenous healing lodges
Healing lodges are environments designed specifically for Indigenous offenders. They offer culturally appropriate services and programs to offenders in a way that incorporates...-
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Catalogue Entry: Pandemic Era Older Offenders (65+) in Canadian Federal Corrections
The older (65+) offender population in custody and under community supervision continued to grow during the pandemic era.-
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Catalogue Entry: Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations
Regulations Respecting Corrections and the Conditional Release and Detention of Offenders.-
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Catalogue Entry: Security Threat Groups (STGs): Measuring Disengagement or Disaffiliation?
Security Threat Group (STG) disengagement or disaffiliation is a key priority for correctional jurisdictions as decreasing STG involvement may enhance the safety and security of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Eagle Women's Lodge: Resident and Staff Experiences
Through qualitative methods, the goal of the current study is to gain an understanding of the impacts that women's Healing Lodges have on Indigenous offenders, as well as...-
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Catalogue Entry: What Does Security Threat Group (STG) Termination Signify?
Understanding the reasons for Security Threat Group (STG) disaffiliation may assist the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) in encouraging and supporting offenders to disengage...-
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Catalogue Entry: Men Offenders' Trajectories to Security Threat Group (STG) Affiliation
This study was conducted to explore available information related to federal men offenders' STG affiliation trajectories.-
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Catalogue Entry: Regional Comparisons of Security Threat Group (STG) Affiliated Men Offenders
This study was conducted to explore the regional differences of STG affiliated versus non-STG affiliated offenders under the jurisdiction of the Correctional Service of Canada...-
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Catalogue Entry: Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge: Resident, Elder, and Staff Experiences
The goal of this qualitative research is to gain an understanding of the collective impacts that women's Healing Lodges have on Indigenous offenders, as well as the challenges...-
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Catalogue Entry: Indigenous and non-Indigenous Women Offenders' Substance Use over Time: 2010 to 2021
Previous research has illustrated the differences in substance use patterns among Indigenous and non-Indigenous women offenders. This study was conducted to examine substance...-
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Catalogue Entry: Overdose Incidents in Federal Custody, 2019/2020
Corresponding with the opioid crisis in Canada, there has been a notable increase in the number of overdose incidents in federal custody (McKendy et al., 2020). As part of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Offenders Currently Unlawfully at Large
Unlawfully at large (UAL) offenders were a high risk and need group, with violent offence convictions and incidents involving an escape. Conditional release to the community is...-
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Catalogue Entry: Non-Fatal Overdose Incidents in Federal Custody, 2021/2022
As part of ongoing monitoring efforts, the current study provides a summary of non-fatal overdose incidents that occurred within Canadian federal institutions in fiscal year...-
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Catalogue Entry: Post-pandemic Provisional Federal Residency Forecasts
Post-pandemic changes in 10-year population forecasts were evidenced for community residency.-
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Catalogue Entry: Post-pandemic Provisional Federal Community Status Forecasts
Over the course of two recent fiscal years (2020 to 2021 and 2021 to 2022), marked by the COVID-19 pandemic era, the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) experienced an...-
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Catalogue Entry: A Profile of Offenders Unlawfully at Large
Unlawfully at large offenders are a higher risk and higher need group with more problematic institutional behaviour compared to non-UAL offenders. Conditional release to the...-
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Catalogue Entry: High-resolution Characterization of Impulsivity and Risk Sensitivity...
This pilot study supports the feasibility and utility of using technology-based assessments of impulsive behaviour and risky decision-making in a sample of adult offenders...-
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Catalogue Entry: Post-pandemic Provisional Federal Population Forecasts
Post-pandemic changes in 10-year federal population forecasts were observed for men, women, and across regions.-
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Catalogue Entry: SIU Authorizations: July 1st, 2023 to September 30th, 2023 (Quarterly Report Q2)
Structured Intervention Units (SIUs) were incorporated into the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) on November 30th, 2019. Such units are intended to provide intervention-...-
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