Catalogue Entry: System-Wide Staffing Audit (Tool)
An Excel database used to gather and analyze answers from the Audit Program questions in order to fulfill the audit objectives. The audit covered the period of April 1, 2016, to... -
Catalogue Entry: Results of 2017-2018 organizational reporting (ADAI-Annex D)
"To provide an overview of the organizational reporting results stemming from Annex D of the Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument (ADAI) for year 2 and convey... -
Catalogue Entry: System-Wide Staffing Audit Questionnaire
As part of the pilot System-Wide Staffing Audit (pilot audit), a questionnaire was administered to sub-delegated persons and staffing advisors associated with the sample of 386... -
Catalogue Entry: Overview of the Federal Public Service Staffing System
Provide an overview of: - the federal public service appointment framework; - the responsibilities of the Public Service Commission (PSC) and deputy heads (DH); and - PSC... -
Catalogue Entry: Staffing Audit Tool
The Staffing Audit Tool is a Microsoft Access database application designed and developed by the staff of the Public Service Commission’s audit function. The database... -
Catalogue Entry: Error (section 66, subsections 67(1) & 67(2), Public Service Employment Act)
PSC regularly posts summaries of some of its investigations on this Web site to help understand the scope of PSC investigations and what constitutes a breach of the Public...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Overview of public service staffing and trends in EX-03, EX-04 and EX-05 groups
This document summarizes key trends on employment equity of applicants and appointments as well as trends in recruitment, promotions, departures and employment equity... -
Catalogue Entry: Federal public servants participating in jobs open to the public
This report explores historical data trends about existing public servants who apply to and are appointed from jobs open to the public. It also explores the employment equity -
Catalogue Entry: Citizenship of applicants and external appointments
This report looks at how frequently non-citizens and permanent residents apply to and are appointed from jobs advertised to the public. It also explores the employment equity... -
Catalogue Entry: Non-advertised appointments by employment equity group
This report looks at the use of non-advertised appointments by employment equity group before and after the implementation of the New Direction in Staffing. -
Catalogue Entry: 2021 Staffing and Non-Partisanship Survey - Perceptions of Federal Public...
Presentation of the results of the 2021 Staffing and Non-Partisanship Survey for persons with disabilities -
Catalogue Entry: Review of the Priority Entitlements Program
The review of the Priority Entitlements Program was carried out as part of the Public Service Commission of Canada’s 2021–23 Internal Audit and Evaluation Plan. Covering the...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 2021 Staffing and Non-Partisanship Survey - Perceptions of Federal Public...
Presentation of the results of the 2021 Staffing and Non-Partisanship Survey for Federal Public Servants who are members of an employment equity group (except persons with... -
Catalogue Entry: Non-advertised appointments by employment equity designated group: 2020-2021 update
This report provides an update as of 2020-2021 and sheds more light on the trends following the implementation of the New Direction in Staffing. -
Catalogue Entry: Citizenship of Applicants and External Appointments (2015-2016 to 2020-2021)
This report examines how frequently non-citizens and permanent residents apply for and are appointed to jobs advertised to the general public. It also explores the employment... -
Catalogue Entry: 2021-2022 Annual Report on Delegated Authorities for Political Activities...
The Annual report on delegated authorities under Part 7 of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) which provides information on candidacy requests and program activities for...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 2021 Staffing and Non-Partisanship Survey Presentation
Presentation of the highlights of the results of the 2021 Staffing and Non-Partisanship Survey -
Catalogue Entry: Public Service Commission (PSC) Departmental Results Framework Indicators
Since April 2018, all organizations are required to use a results reporting structure based on the Policy on Results, which consists of a Departmental Results Framework (DRF)... -
Catalogue Entry: Population under the Public Service Employment Act
Population data refers to the number of active employees in organizations under the exclusive appointment authority of the Public Service Commission (PSC) (employees of... -
Catalogue Entry: Employment Equity Designated Groups under the Public Service Employment Act
The Public Service Commission (PSC) collects data on individuals who apply through the Public Service Resourcing System (PSRS) for advertisements open to Canadians on the PSC’s...