Catalogue Entry: AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Bare Earth Hillshade
The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Bare Earth Hillshade is are the bare earth hillshades created at a 1 m interval for the capture area of... -
Catalogue Entry: AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Full Feature DEM
The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Full Feature DEM are the full feature DEMs created at a 1 m interval for the capture area of Saskatchewan. The full... -
Catalogue Entry: AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Bare Earth DEM
The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Bare Earth DEM are the bare earth DEMs created at a 1 m interval for the capture area of Saskatchewan. The bare... -
Catalogue Entry: AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan
LiDAR data collected in the fall of 2011 and spring 2012 for AAFC owned water control structures in the Cypress, Middle Creek, Pheasant Creek, Roughbark, Moosomin,Braddock,... -
Catalogue Entry: AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan - LASer (LAS) Files
LiDAR data collected in the fall of 2011 and spring 2012 for AAFC owned water control structures in the Pheasant Creek, Roughbark, Moosomin,Braddock, Maple Creek, Eastend,... -
Catalogue Entry: AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Full Feature Hillshade
The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Full Feature Hillshade is are the full feature hillshades created at a 1 m interval for the capture area of... -
Catalogue Entry: Percent Saturated Surface Soil Moisture
This data series represents the volumetric soil moisture (percent saturated soil) for the surface layer (<5 cm). The data is created daily and is averaged for the ISO... -
Catalogue Entry: Qu'Appelle Valley Lakes system – Topography and Imagery 2008
The’ Qu'Appelle Valley Lakes system – Topography and Imagery’ series consists of topographic and imagery data for lakes within the Qu'Appelle River Valley in central... -
Catalogue Entry: Qu’Appelle Valley Lakes system - Contour Lines 2008
Contour Lines for the Pasqua, Crooked, Echo, and Round Lakes within the Qu’Appelle Valley river system in Saskatchewan -
Catalogue Entry: Swift Current LiDAR Project 2009
McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd (MCSL) has performed a LiDAR and Imagery survey in southern Saskatchewan. The purpose was to generate DEMs for hydraulic modeling of... -
Catalogue Entry: Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve LiDAR Survey
LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve (RLBR) and Agriculture and Agri-... -
Catalogue Entry: Qu’Appelle Valley Lakes system – Spot Height Points 2008
Spot Height Points for the Pasqua, Crooked, Echo, and Round Lakes area within the Qu'Appelle Valley River system in Saskatchewan -
Catalogue Entry: Swift Current LiDAR Project 2009 - LASer (LAS) Files
McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd (MCSL) has performed a LiDAR and Imagery survey in southern Saskatchewan. The purpose was to generate DEMs for hydraulic modeling of... -
Catalogue Entry: Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve – 1 meter Full Feature Hillshade
One meter hillshade generated from full feature DEM. LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the Redberry Lake... -
Catalogue Entry: Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve – 1 meter Full Feature DEM
One meter digital elevation model generated from LiDAR point files. LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the... -
Catalogue Entry: Soils of Canada, Derived
The “Soils of Canada, Derived” national scale thematic datasets display the distribution and areal extent of soil attributes such as drainage, texture of parent material, kind... -
Catalogue Entry: Canada Landcover - Derived from AVHRR
This land cover data set was derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensor operating on board the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric... -
Catalogue Entry: Circa 1995 Landcover of the Prairies
The ‘Circa 1995 Landcover of the Prairies’dataset is a geospatial raster data layer portraying the rudimentaryland cover types of all grain-growing areas of Manitoba,... -
Catalogue Entry: Saskatchewan Irrigation Projects - 2005
Series of Panchromatic orthophotos for 4 reservoir areas, Duncairn, LaFleche, Moosomin, Gouverneur taken in 2005. The photos were meant to coincide at a time when the reservoirs... -
Catalogue Entry: Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve – 30 Centimeter Contours
Thirty-centimeter contours generated from bare earth LiDAR points. LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the...