Catalogue Entry: SDG 11.3.1 Land Consumption Rates in South Africa
Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate for 27 cities in South Africa during the periods 1996 - 2001 and 2001-2011, built up area per capita by city in 1996,...-
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Catalogue Entry: SDG 11.3.1 Land Consumption Rates in Colombia
Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate for 138 cities in Colombia during the period 2003 - 2015, built up area per capita by city in 2003 and 2015, and total...-
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Catalogue Entry: SDG 11.3.1: Land consumption rate Iceland, Israel, Portugal and Slovakia
Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate and built up area per capita at the national level for Iceland, Israel and Slovakia and for select cities in Israel,...-
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