Catalogue Entry: Archived - Housing suitability and dwelling condition, by tenure including...
Households in suitable versus not suitable housing and by condition of dwelling (e.g., dwelling requiring major repairs), by tenure including social and affordable housing,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Household characteristics, by tenure including first-time homebuyer status
Household characteristics, including household type, age group of the reference person (the person responsible for housing decisions), employment status of the reference person,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Adequacy, Suitability and Affordability statistics for visible minority groups
Compare the conditions and affordability of housing for visible minority groups in Canada against national benchmarks. Find data on the adequacy, suitability and affordability...-
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Catalogue Entry: Before-Tax Real Median Household Income, by Tenure, 2006 – 2019
These data tables focus on the real median total household income, before-taxes. They summarize the changes in before-tax household income by tenure: renters owners combined...-
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Catalogue Entry: Home Equity and Net Worth by Tenure: Canada and Provinces
Home equity and net worth data for all homeowners, renters and for all households together in Canada and the provinces. Organized by province and type of housing tenure. This...-
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Catalogue Entry: Home Equity and Net Worth by Tenure and Age Group: Canada
Home equity and net worth data for homeowners, renters and for all households together in Canada in 1999, 2005 and 2012. Organized by age group and type of housing tenure. This...-
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Catalogue Entry: Households On-Reserve by Indigenous Status and Tenure
Get these housing statistics on Indigenous households living on-reserve. The data covers: tenure urban and rural areas percentage of all households on-reserve The geographies...-
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Catalogue Entry: Persons living in acceptable housing, by tenure including first-time...
Persons living in acceptable housing and persons not living in acceptable housing (including persons whose housing falls below one, two or all three standards for affordability,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Persons living in acceptable housing, by tenure and other selected...
Persons living in acceptable housing and persons not living in acceptable housing (including persons whose housing falls below one, two or all three standards for affordability,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Persons in core housing need, by tenure including first-time homebuyer and...
Persons in core housing need (including persons whose housing falls below one, two or all three standards for affordability, suitability and condition of dwelling) and persons...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Persons in core housing need, by tenure and other selected sociodemographic...
Persons in core housing need (including persons whose housing falls below one, two or all three standards for affordability, suitability and condition of dwelling) and persons...-
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Catalogue Entry: Real Average Household Income (After-Taxes), by Tenure, 2006 – 2020
Find average after-taxes total household income in these data tables. These housing statistics are organized by: renters owners combined total of renters and owners Also...-
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Catalogue Entry: Real Average Household Income (Before-tax) by Tenure, 2006 – 2020
Find housing data on average median before-tax total household income. We organized these housing statistics by: renters owners combined total of renters and owners The...-
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Catalogue Entry: Real Median Household Income (After-Tax), by Tenure, 2006 – 2019
These data tables focus on the real median total household income (after-taxes). They summarize the changes in after-tax household income by: renters owners combined total of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Waitlist status including length of time, by tenure including social and...
Households on a waiting list for social and affordable housing, including length of time on the waitlist, Canada, provinces and territories.-
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Catalogue Entry: Total Population and Population in Core Housing Need by Sex and Tenure
Total population and the number of people living in households in core housing need. Organized by geographic region, Sex and type of housing tenure. This table summarizes the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Number of Households by Tenure and Ownership Rate: 1976–2036
Long-term projections for the total number of households in Canada, the provinces and territories up to the year 2036. Organized by type of tenure and rate of homeownership....-
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Catalogue Entry: Housing profiles of 1-person and lone-parent households by gender
Find housing statistics for 1-person and lone-parent households in Canada, organized by: gender income housing type tenure Data are available for Canada, the provinces and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Housing suitability and dwelling condition, by tenure including social and...
Housing suitability (suitable or not suitable) and dwelling condition (regular maintenance, minor repairs, major repairs), by tenure including social and affordable housing,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Households by Age of Maintainer and Tenure: Canada, P/T and CMAs
Number of households in Canada from 1991 – 2011, organized by tenure and age of the household maintainer. Data available for Canada, the provinces and territories, and selected...-
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