Catalogue Entry: Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program Claim Data
Information on the paid prescription drug claims for beneficiaries under the Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program (NLPDP). Specifically, how many claims paid, how... -
Catalogue Entry: Wildlife Permits
The dataset includes information about the wildlife related permits that are issued under the Wildlife Act throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. Permits are presented by type... -
Catalogue Entry: Public Water Supplies Listing
Public water supplies listing. Data is uploaded each business day by 10am. -
Catalogue Entry: Wildlife Licences
The dataset includes information about the wildlife related licences that are issued under the Wildlife Act throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. Licences are presented by type... -
Catalogue Entry: Vaccine Distribution Report 2014-15
Inventory System for pubilicly funded vaccines, covering receipt from manufactures to the provinicial depot and then the distribution to the 9 regional depots. -
Catalogue Entry: Population Estimates
Population Estimates -
Catalogue Entry: Deaths by Ages
Deaths by Ages -
Catalogue Entry: School Buses by Operator and Model Year
Number of Active School Buses by Model Year/Region and/or Number of School Buses by Model year (broken down by School Board versus Private Operator) in the province.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Number of Children and Youth in Receipt of Behavior Management Services...
Number of Children/Youth in Receipt of Behavior Management Services Provided by CYFS -
Catalogue Entry: Income Support Benefits
Income Support Benefits -
Catalogue Entry: Adoption Statistics
Number of Finalized Adoptions between July 1, 2015 and September 30, 2015; number of new Adoptive Placements between July 1, 2015 and September 30, 2015; number of Approved... -
Catalogue Entry: Wildlife Population Metrics
The dataset includes information on population size, demographics, and hunter harvest statistics for managed wildlife species over time. -
Catalogue Entry: Boil Water Advisories
The Department of Government Services and the Department of Health and Community Services are jointly responsible for monitoring the bacteriological quality of public water... -
Catalogue Entry: Staffed Residential Placements
Number of Level 4 Placement beds by placement type and contracted service provider -
Catalogue Entry: Births by Age of Mother
Births by Age of Mother -
Catalogue Entry: Hospital Morbidity
Hospital Morbidity -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial and Regional Population Projections
The Population Projections for Newfoundland and Labrador are produced by the Economic Research and Analysis Division of the Department of Finance. The projections are generally...