Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate that shows four maps, circa 1955. On the left of this plate, the top map shows the extent of township...
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Uniquely identifies a 75 metre wide road tenure. This layer uses the centre line from the application and is buffered 37.5 metres either side. This layer does not represent the...
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An opening's disturbance and silviculture activities reported into RESULTS. Most activities are within opening boundaries with the exception of broadcast treatments. An opening...
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TA_CROWN_OPERATING_AGRMNTS_SVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of active and applied for Crown Land Operating Agreements. Operating agreements provide for use of...
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TA_CROWN_REV_SHARE_AGRMNTS_SVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of active and applied for Crown Land Revenue Sharing Agreements. A Revenue Sharing Agreement is made...
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RESULTS opening's forest cover polygons with inventory component provided. Current forest cover submissions into RESULTS must contain attribute and map information. However,...
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TA_CROWN_PERMITS_SVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of active and applied for Land Act Permits. Land Act Permits grant the right to carry out specific activity(s)...
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Areas of non-productive forest land in the Cariboo Region. Includes icefields, alpine areas, rock, gravel pits, sand, clay, non-productive brush, etc. From FC1 circa 2002
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RESULTS opening's forest cover poylgons with silviculture component provided. Current forest cover subimssion into RESULTS must contain attribute and map information. However,...
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The tree species contained within RESULT's FOREST COVER inventory and silviculture components. This view contains attribute data and is intended to be joined with the other...
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This 'Current' spatial data layer is publicly viewable and downloadable, contains the most current Legal Old Growth Management Area (OGMA) polygons and excludes any sensitive...
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Landscape Units are spatially identified areas of land and/or water used for long-term planning of resource management activities. Landscape units are important for designing...
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This 'Current' spatial data layer is publicly accessible, contains the most current Non-Legal Old Growth Management Area (OGMA) polygons and excludes any sensitive information....
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