The Map of Radiocommunication Areas and the related data set were developed by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) to delineate urban and rural areas of...
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This collection is a legacy product that is no longer maintained. It may not meet current government standards. Users of Topographic Data of Canada - CanVec 1:50,000 (release...
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This file includes the spatial boundaries for the Pacific Great Blue Heron Potential Area of Occupancy for its entire Canadian range. The Potential Area of Occupancy is a simple...
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This collection is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. This inventory presents chronologically the satellite images...
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This collection is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. Canada's Orthoimages 2005-2010 is the national medium-resolution...
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"Vegetation Zones of Canada: a Biogeoclimatic Perspective" maps Canadian geography in relation to gradients of regional climate, as expressed by potential vegetation on zonal...
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The fire regime describes the patterns of fire seasonality, frequency, size, spatial continuity, intensity, type (e.g., crown or surface fire) and severity in a particular area...
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The fire regime describes the patterns of fire seasonality, frequency, size, spatial continuity, intensity, type (e.g., crown or surface fire) and severity in a particular area...
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The fire regime describes the patterns of fire seasonality, frequency, size, spatial continuity, intensity, type (e.g., crown or surface fire) and severity in a particular area...
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The fire regime describes the patterns of fire seasonality, frequency, size, spatial continuity, intensity, type (e.g., crown or surface fire) and severity in a particular area...
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The fire regime describes the patterns of fire seasonality, frequency, size, spatial continuity, intensity, type (e.g., crown or surface fire) and severity in a particular area...
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The fire regime describes the patterns of fire seasonality, frequency, size, spatial continuity, intensity, type (e.g., crown or surface fire) and severity in a particular area...
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The dataset shows the distribution and spatial extent of the 3D models that were created in the context of Canadian aquifers mapping projects from the Geological Survey of Canada.
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Grids surveyed is a polygon feature class containing the 5’ latitude by 5’ longitude grid cells surveyed for all seasons combined including the grids that were surveyed but...
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