201 catalogue entries found

Tags: Nature and Environment Science and Technology Publisher Email: geoinfo@nrcan.gc.ca

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  • Catalogue Entry: Minerals - West Sheet

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the mineralogy and locations of mineral deposits for Western Canada circa 1906. A line drawn...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Minerals - East Sheet

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the mineralogy and locations of mineral deposits for Eastern Canada circa 1906. A line drawn...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Seismicity

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is plate with three maps. The first map shows the locations (epicentres) of several thousand...
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  • Catalogue Entry: The Potential of Soils and Bedrock to Reduce the Acidity of Atmospheric Deposition

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a map that shows vulnerability of soils and bedrock to acid precipitation using low, moderate...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Climatic Regions Thornthwaite Classification Thermal Efficiency Regions

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the distribution for the two thermal aspects of Thornthwaite's climate...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Precipitation

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a plate with seven maps. The first maps shows mean annual precipitation for Canada. Four...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Snowfall

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a plate with seven maps. The first map shows mean annual snowfall in Canada. Four additional...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Climatic Regions Thornthwaite Classification Moisture Regions

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the distribution for the two moisture aspects of Thornthwaite's climate...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Land Capability for Forestry

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a map that portrays seven classes of land capability for growing commercial forests; also...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Solar Radiation - April and October

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1995) of the Atlas of Canada is a sheet which contains four maps at the same scale (1:12 500 000) utilizing 26 coloured categories of solar...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Solar Radiation - December and June

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a sheet which contains four maps at the same scale (1:12 500 000) utilizing 26 coloured...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Solar Radiation - Annual

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1995) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate with two maps. The first map shows solar radiation and its variability recorded on a horizontal...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Length of Day

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a plate with two maps. The first map that shows the longest day and second map shows shortest...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Temperature - April and October

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1995) of the Atlas of Canada is a sheet which contains ten maps in all, comprising sets of five maps for each of April and October. Each set...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Temperature - January and July

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a sheet which contains ten maps in all, comprising sets of five maps for each of January and...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Canada - Frost-Free Period

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the average length of the frost-free period for all parts of Canada. Data for...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Canada - First Frost in Autumn

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the average date of occurrence of the first frost in autumn. The Data is for...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Canada - Last Frost in Spring

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a map that shows average date of occurrence of the last frost in spring. Data for period 1941...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Canada - Growing Degree Days

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the annual sum of normal degree-days above 5 C (an indicator of total heat...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Canada - Heating Degree-Days

    Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the annual sum of heating degree days (an indicator of building heating...
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