Catalogue Entry: Point-in-Time Count 2021 Cochrane District (Timmins)
As part of the Province’s efforts to end chronic homelessness by 2025 and the long-term goal to end homelessness, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing communicated to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Gentrification, Urban Interventions, and Equity (GENUINE_techrguide.pdf)
The Gentrification, Urban Interventions, and Equity (GENUINE) Tool is a map-based gentrification tool for Canadian metro areas. The primary envisioned use for GENUINE is policy...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2018 PiT Brandon -Everyone Counts Final Report
Everyone Counts, Brandon’s third Point-In-Time (PiT) Count of people experiencing homelessness, is about giving a voice to people struggling to find a place to call home. The...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2020 Homeless Count In Metro Vancouver
A Point-in-time homeless count has been conducted in Metro Vancouver since 2002. The data provided here was collected on the evening of March3rd and throughout the day/evening...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2020 Greater Victoria Point-In-Time Homeless Count Aan Housing Needs Survey
BETWEEN MARCH 11 AND 12, 2020, over 175 citizen volunteers and staff, along with a cross-sector of service agencies and community partners, participated in the Capital Region’s...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2021 Brantford Brant Point-in-Time Count Report
The City of Brantford, on behalf of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and our local Reaching Home Community Advisory Board, gratefully acknowledges and thanks all...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2021 Homelessness Point-in-Time Count 24 hours in October
The 2021 Point-in-Time Count was conducted on the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe people. The City of Ottawa honors the peoples and the land of the...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2021 Point-In Time Homelessness Enumeration Results Report
A Point-In Time (PIT) Count of homelessness is required by both the Federal and Provincial government under existing funding agreements. For the Federal government, a PIT Count...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2021 STREET NEED ASSESSMENT results report
Overview of Homelessness in Toronto Total Estimated Number of People Experiencing Homelessness Based on the 2021 SNA, it is estimated that there were 7,347 people experiencing...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2022-2023-Service-Delivery-Plan.pdf
To continue transforming a system or community, it is essential to understand the context in which it exists. The following information situates Medicine Hat in comparison to...-
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Catalogue Entry: AGENDA DSSMSSAB REGULAR BOARD MEETING Thursday, November 25, 2021 at 4:30 PM...
Community Housing and Development recently coordinated Sault Ste. Marie’s third Everyone Counts Point-in-Time (PiT) Homelessness Count. PiT counts are conducted in communities...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2022 Homeless Enumeration Area Specific Analysis
Since 2016, the Simcoe County community has conducted a Homelessness Enumeration every two years. The information collected helps connect people to the appropriate programs and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Dénombrement des personnes en situation d’itinérance sur l’île de Montréal...
Ce rapport est le fruit du travail de nombreuses personnes qui ont œuvré au dénombrement entre octobre 2017 et mars 2019. Le comité de pilotage, dont les membres sont nommés...-
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Catalogue Entry: Everyone Counts Peel 2021 Community Report
The Region of Peel, in collaboration with the Peel Alliance to End Homelessness Committee (PAEH) and other local homeless serving agencies, conducted a modified Point-in-Time...-
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Catalogue Entry: Homelessness enumeration fall 2021 county of lambton
The County of Lambton conducted a Homelessness Enumeration during the week of June 21-25, 2021. At the time of the Enumeration there was a global pandemic and the province of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Homelessness in the Halifax Regional Municipality Point-in-Time Count in 2022.
Like many communities across Nova Scotia, Halifax is experiencing an affordable housing crisis which is affecting more individuals and families than it ever has in recent...-
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This report highlights New Brunswick findings from the national 2018 Point-in-Time (PiT) Count, “Everyone Counts”. The count, which took place in Fredericton, Moncton, Saint...-
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Catalogue Entry: I Count York Region’s 2021 Homeless Count Report
For many residents, York Region is a wonderful place to live, work and play. A welcoming and prosperous community home to over 1.2 million people. Despite a thriving economy, a...-
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Catalogue Entry: Kenora District Enumeration Report
The Kenora District Services Board (KDSB) provides services to a catchment area of 407,000 km2 ranging from the Manitoba border, to the east of Ignace, south to the Rainy River...-
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Catalogue Entry: Niagara’s Homelessness Point-in-Time Count Report
The PiT Count survey was administered to everyone over 15 years old who was experiencing homelessness on the reference night and who consented to participate. It included...-
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