The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators CESI program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The...
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The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators CESI program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The...
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The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators CESI program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Air...
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The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The...
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The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators CESI program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The...
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The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators CESI program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Air...
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Surveyed Condominium are Real Property Object representing the spatial extents of a condominium or apartment unit to which rights or interests can be registered. Condominium...
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This point layer serves as a flag for known and previously reported locations of species of conservation concern in Yukon, as mapped by the Yukon Conservation Data Centre, when...
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The Land Planning Branch manages subdivision requests anywhere in Yukon, other than Whitehorse or Dawson. In order to divide or reconfigure any privately titled lot a...
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This is the Grid Section portion of the Oil and Gas Land Division System. This is a grid system consisting of three sections, Area, Section and Unit used to describe Yukon Oil...
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Each hexagon in this layer serves as a flag to indicate there is one or more mapped locations of a species that is subject to persecution or harm within the hexagon boundaries....
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This feature delineates enhanced vegetation, forest and cover attributes for the Whitehorse, Yukon area at a scale of 1:10,000. The field work for the inventory was carried out...
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A Public Right Area Object representing the spatial extent of a protected landscape as a result of the public interest or common good. These areas can include habitat,...
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This file is made up of several types of boundaries being Municipal, Development Area Regulations, Land Claims Final Agreement, Self Government Agreement, Memorandum of...
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Surveyed Land Parcel Boundaries consist of the lines required to form the boundaries of the Land Parcels. COGO attributes are associated to the lines and depict the adjusted...
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A Public Right Area Object representing the spatial extent of a protected landscape as a result of the public interest or common good. These areas can include habitat,...
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Location of flight lines of Yukon aerial photographs. Data was produced from heads up digitization of paper flight line index maps . Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government...
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This feature delineates forest and vegetation stands in the Yukon at a scale of 1:5,000. It is an operational level forest inventory (as opposed to a management level). This...
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The boundaries are established from either Land Claims Final Agreement, Self Government Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, Local Advisory Area, or from a signed document...
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The purpose of this feature class is to identify those areas that are in the process of Timber Harvest Planning, process being a continuum from proposed plan through to approval...
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