This file includes the spatial boundaries for the Pacific Great Blue Heron Potential Area of Occupancy for its entire Canadian range. The Potential Area of Occupancy is a simple...
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This file includes the spatial boundaries for the Pacific Great Blue Heron Potential Area of Occupancy for its entire Canadian range. The Potential Area of Occupancy is a simple...
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This spatial file includes the polygon boundaries of the four Pacific Great Blue Heron Conservation Regions in British Columbia, as described in the management plan. These...
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Grids surveyed is a polygon feature class containing the 5’ latitude by 5’ longitude grid cells surveyed for all seasons combined including the grids that were surveyed but...
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Study area is a polygon feature class showing the extent of where most of the bird sightings were recorded and then used in the atlas. A few rare species have been included as...
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This polygon outlines the basic area included in the survey counts. This area is the best approximation of the mudflat that can be surveyed from shore and is exposed at tide...
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The European Green Crab (EGC) is a high-risk global invader that can devastate coastal marine ecosystems by displacing native species, degrading and disturbing native habitats...
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Herring Permanent Spawn Transects (geodatabase) - used for herring spawn survey program and spatial analysis/presentation of spawn data from Herring Stock Assessment Database...
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Biological samples of Geoduck Clams have been collected during surveys in British Columbia as part of the broader survey objectives of determining Geoduck density, distribution...
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Atlantic sturgeon. Important sites: reproduction, feeding juvenile and adult concentration area. Data extracted from the Fish Habitat Management Information System (FHAMIS)...
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