Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a map that shows relief using twelve height classes for land areas, eight depth classes for...
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Contained within the 4th Edition (1974) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the relief profiles for Canada. This map shows the vertical scale and the horizontal scale...
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Contained within the 4th Edition (1974) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the degree of relief in Canada. This map is a general purpose relief map of Canada with...
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Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the relief (in feet) and bathymetry (in fathoms) for Eastern Canada, and part of the U.S....
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Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the relief (in feet) and bathymetry (in fathoms) for Western Canada, and part of the U.S....
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The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Bare Earth Hillshade is are the bare earth hillshades created at a 1 m interval for the capture area of...
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The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Full Feature DEM are the full feature DEMs created at a 1 m interval for the capture area of Saskatchewan. The full...
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The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Bare Earth DEM are the bare earth DEMs created at a 1 m interval for the capture area of Saskatchewan. The bare...
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LiDAR data collected in the fall of 2011 and spring 2012 for AAFC owned water control structures in the Pheasant Creek, Roughbark, Moosomin,Braddock, Maple Creek, Eastend,...
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The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 1 meter Full Feature Hillshade is are the full feature hillshades created at a 1 m interval for the capture area of...
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The’ Qu'Appelle Valley Lakes system – Topography and Imagery’ series consists of topographic and imagery data for lakes within the Qu'Appelle River Valley in central...
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LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve (RLBR) and Agriculture and Agri-...
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One meter hillshade generated from full feature DEM. LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the Redberry Lake...
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One meter digital elevation model generated from LiDAR point files. LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the...
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Series of Panchromatic orthophotos for 4 reservoir areas, Duncairn, LaFleche, Moosomin, Gouverneur taken in 2005. The photos were meant to coincide at a time when the reservoirs...
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Thirty-centimeter contours generated from bare earth LiDAR points. LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the...
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