Catalogue Entry: Vegetation Zones of Canada: a Biogeoclimatic Perspective
"Vegetation Zones of Canada: a Biogeoclimatic Perspective" maps Canadian geography in relation to gradients of regional climate, as expressed by potential vegetation on zonal... -
Catalogue Entry: Benthic Invertebrates, Oil Sands Region
Benthic invertebrates monitoring includes both lotic (rivers/streams) and lentic (wetlands) ecosystems. Aquatic biomonitoring provides a direct measure of change in biotic... -
Catalogue Entry: Atlantic Colonies - Density Analysis
Data Sources: Banque informatisée des oiseaux de mer au Québec (BIOMQ: ECCC-CWS Quebec Region) Atlantic Colonial Waterbird Database (ACWD: ECCC-CWS Atlantic Region).. Both the... -
Catalogue Entry: Critical habitat of the St. Lawrence estuary population of Striped Bass
Striped Bass critical habitat (St. Lawrence estuary population) defined by the analysis of available knowledge in 2011 and a scientific advice. Purpose The status of the Striped... -
Catalogue Entry: Survey for Physella wrighti - the hotwater physa, at Liard River Hotsprings...
Survey for Physella wright - the hotwater physa, at Liard River Hotsprings Provincial Park, August 2006. Description of activity: The research is a survey of the Hotwater physa,... -
Catalogue Entry: Coastal Environmental Baseline Program
Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) Coastal Environmental Baseline Program supports the collection of ecological information on the current state of key coastal ecosystems...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Fire Burn Severity - Same Year
This layer is the current fire year burn severity classification for large fires (greater than 100 ha). Burn severity mapping is conducted using best available pre- and post-... -
Catalogue Entry: Fisheries Sensitive Watersheds - Proposed
A Fisheries Sensitive Watershed (FSW) is a mapped area with specific management objectives intended to guide development activities which may adversely impact important fish... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Inventory Ground Plots - Public Access
The Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch (FAIB) is responsible for coordinating and managing data collection and analyses from a range of different ground sampling programs that... -
Catalogue Entry: VRI - 2023 - Forest Vegetation Composite Rank 1 Layer (R1)
Geospatial forest inventory dataset updated for depletions, such as harvesting, and projected annually for growth. Sample attributes in this dataset include: age, species,... -
Catalogue Entry: FRI: Basal area - softwood
Basal area - softwood (BA_SWD) is an expression of softwood site occupancy based on the cross-sectional area (m2 at breast-height) of merchantable stems on a per-hectare basis....-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: FRI: Gross merchantable volume - hardwood
Gross merchantable volume - hardwood (GMVHWD) is an expression of merchantable stem hardwood volume (m3) on a per-hectare basis. Available here as a raster (GeoTIF) with a 20 m...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: FRI: Land class - generalized
Generalized land classification in one of eleven types. Available here as a land class raster (GeoTIF) with a 10 m pixel resolution. Download: Here The Saskatchewan Ministry of...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: FRI: Gross biological volume - softwood
Gross biological volume - softwood (GBVSWD) is an expression of in-the-tree stem softwood volume (m3) on a per-hectare basis. Calculated from the ground to the tip. Available...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: FRI: Basal area - hardwood
Basal area - hardwood (BA_HWD) is an expression of hardwood site occupancy based on the cross-sectional area (m2 at breast-height) of merchantable stems on a per-hectare basis....-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: FRI: Gross merchantable volume - total
Gross merchantable volume - total (GMVTOT) is an expression of merchantable stem total volume (m3) on a per-hectare basis. Available here as a raster (GeoTIF) with a 20 m pixel...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: FRI: Forest stands ZIP
Forest stands (FSTAND) is a vector delineation of relatively homogeneous forest stands or naturally non-forested areas as polygons with a 0.5 ha minimum area and a 2.0 ha median...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: FRI: Crown cover
Crown cover (CCOVER) is an estimate of the proportional area of the ground covered by the vertical projection of tree crowns on to the ground. Available here as a crown cover...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: FRI: Softwood
Softwood (PCTSWD) is an estimate of the proportional basal area in softwoods. Available here as a softwood per cent raster (GeoTIF) with a 10 m pixel resolution. Note: Hardwood...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: FRI: Stems per hectare - softwood
Stems per hectare - softwood (SPHSWD) is an expression of the number of merchantable softwood trees on a per-hectare basis. Available here as softwood stems per hectare raster...-
File available for download in the following formats: