Catalogue Entry: Canada's growing population and its environmental influence, 1956 to 2006
Canada's population doubled between 1956 and 2006. Human population growth is an important factor in determining society's influence on the environment. One example of our...-
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Catalogue Entry: Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Canada – United States Report
This report presents an integrated set of Canada – United States air passenger origin-destination statistics and analysis.-
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Catalogue Entry: Airport Activity: Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports
This report presents statistics on airline traffic such as the volume of passengers and cargo at Canadian airports.-
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Catalogue Entry: Road Motor Vehicles, Fuel Sales
Gross and net sales of gasolines and net fuel sales of diesel oil and liquefied petroleum gas used for automotive purposes are presented by year and by month, by province and by...-
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Catalogue Entry: Air Fares, Canadian Air Carriers, Level I
This publication provides information on average air fares by sector and fare type group and average domestic air fares for ten selected cities of enplanement. It also provides...-
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Catalogue Entry: Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Canada - United States Report
This report presents an integrated set of Canada - United States air passenger origin-destination statistics and analysis.-
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