Catalogue Entry: Toronto Parks and Recreation Facilities
This data set, for each of the City of Toronto's parks and community recreation centres, provides location information and a select list of twenty amenities that could be found...-
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- comma separated values(.csv)
- .shp
Catalogue Entry: Parks of the City of Repentigny in Quebec
Footprint and location of the parks of the City of Repentigny in Quebec.-
File available for download in the following formats:
- comma separated values(.csv)
- .shp
Catalogue Entry: Parks and green spaces in the city of Saguenay Quebec
All parks and green spaces in the city of Saguenay in Quebec.-
File available for download in the following formats:
- comma separated values(.csv)
- .shp
Catalogue Entry: Large parks, district parks and public spaces in Montreal
The boroughs of the City of Montreal have more than 1,495 parks that extend over an area of more than 6,412 ha. This dataset represents all the parks and public spaces listed...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- comma separated values(.csv)
- .shp