Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is a map that shows relief using twelve height classes for land areas, eight depth classes for...
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Contained within the 4th Edition (1974) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the relief profiles for Canada. This map shows the vertical scale and the horizontal scale...
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Contained within the 4th Edition (1974) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the degree of relief in Canada. This map is a general purpose relief map of Canada with...
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Canada is a vast country comprised of a multitude of very different landscapes: Atlantic provinces, the Appalachians, St. Lawrence and Great Lakes lowlands, Canadian Shield, The...
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The map shows 3172 hydrometric stations, 1491 active and 1681 inactive, located on rivers and lakes across the country. All the stations on the map are situated in a drainage...
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Sensitivity of the coastlines of Canada to the expected rise in sea level is shown on the map. Sensitivity here means the degree to which a coastline may experience physical...
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Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the relief (in feet) and bathymetry (in fathoms) for Eastern Canada, and part of the U.S....
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Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the relief (in feet) and bathymetry (in fathoms) for Western Canada, and part of the U.S....
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