This data series represents the volumetric soil moisture (percent saturated soil) for the surface layer (<5 cm). The data is created daily and is averaged for the ISO...
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The Canadian major and minor crop field trial regions were developed following extensive stakeholder consultation and have been harmonized between the Pest Management Regulatory...
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Crop rotation is an agricultural production and land management practice beneficial to sustainable agriculture in Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) produces crop...
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The Versatile Soil Moisture Budget (VSMB) is a soil water budget model that is continuous and deterministic in nature and was developed by AAFC. It is based on the premise that...
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This data shows spatial density of oats cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which oats are more...
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This data shows spatial density of Corn cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which Corn is more...
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This data shows spatial density of flax cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which flax is more...
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This data shows spatial density of peas cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which peas are more...
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This data shows spatial density of rye cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which rye are more...
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This data shows spatial density of canary seed cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which canary...
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This data shows spatial density of spring wheat cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which spring...
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This data shows spatial density of mustard cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which mustard is...
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This data shows spatial density of beans cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which beans is more...
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This data shows spatial density of sunflower cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which sunflower...
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This data shows spatial density of lentil cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which Lentils...
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This data shows spatial density of oilseed cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which oilseeds are...
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This data shows spatial density of annual crops cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which annual...
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This data shows spatial density of potatos cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which potatoes are...
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This data shows spatial density of forage crops in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which forage crops are...
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These datasets show the areas where major crops can be expected within the agricultural regions of Canada. Results are provided as rasters with numerical values for each pixel...
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